The Argus at KellyGang 12/11/1878 (2)

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Superintendent Sadleir arrived here by the morning train to confer with Superintendent Nicolson, and he brought with him a copy of the threatening letter which had been sent to Mr. Monk at Wombat Hills, between Mansfield and the scene of the murder. You have already had an idea of the wording, but the following is the exact text :—"

To E. Monk, —You think you have done a great thing by searching for the traps, but you have made a great mistake, for your friend Kennedy is gone, although we made him confess many things, and many little things you have told him in confidence. And we heard you say you could track us, and our horses, but we will track you to hell but what we will have you. We will make your place a Government camp, and give them some more bodies to pack when we come. What a fine thing it is to cut their ears off, but we will poke your eyes out.—Yours until we meet, E and D KELLY."

The hand writing is not disguised, and there was no difficulty in tracing it home to the writer, who is now in the Mansfield lockup. The letter plainly shows what an amount of sympathy is felt in the district towards the desperadoes, and to what an extent the system of terrorism is being carried on towards those who are supposed to be giving any information or assistance to the police, and also how necessary it is for the authorities to be very reticent as to their proposed movements, so as to prevent any knowledge of their intentions to leak out. There is, however, one satisfaction, and that is the knowledge that to-morrow the provisions of the Outlawry Act come into operation, and then certain persons who can't at present be touched by law can be most severly dealt with.

From what I can see at present, the police, who are working their hardest, do not receive the assistance from the general public that they are entitled to, especially in such a work as this. Some people are under the impression that the police are solely working for the £2,000 reward which has been offered by the Government for the arrest of Kelly and his confederates, but this view should be at once put aside, when it is stated that the police can't share in the reward. The men are working with the sole desire to bring such hardened criminals to justice, and so avenge their murdered comrades. As showing the hard work which has been done recently, it may be stated that several of the police horses had to be sent out to the paddock to-day for a few days rest, in consequence of the difficult country they had had to go through in the ranges having made them foot sore. There is, however, a good supply of spare police horses in the district, so that no party will be delayed from going out whenever ordered.


Inspector Brook Smith and party returned this evening, and have certain information that may possibly prove of importance. That it is so, I think may be inferred from the fact that when Superintendent Sadleir returned to Benalla this afternoon no movement was anticipated. Since then, however, Inspector Smith's information has been received, and a telegram having been forwarded to Benalla, eight armed troopers, with their horses, came up here by the last train, and a strong body of men will go out during the night. This expedition may probably lead to something, or it may prove a false alarm as heretofore. Detective Kennedy proceeded to-day from Benalla to Mansfield in connexion with the charge against Walter Lynch for sending a threatening letter to Mr. Monk, of Wombat. Sub-Inspector Pewtress has telegraphed to Mr. Nicolson to-night stating that the prisoner Lynch was brought before the magistrates at Mansfield to-day, and was remanded until Monday next, bail being refused. Mr. Pewtress further states that he has in his possession a business letter written by the prisoner Lynch to the shire secretary, the handwriting of which is similar to the letter received by Monk. The police have also evidence to prove that Lynch was seen at the Mansfield Post-office on Thursday night last and also on Friday morning.



Walter Lynch was brought up this morning charged with sending a threatening letter to Edward Monk, signed "Edward Kelly."

Mr Pewtress applied for a remand for eight days to get up the case, and stated in court that Edward Monk had refused to help the police to search for Kelly. He only helped them to find the bodies of the murdered police. Mrs Monk has been thrown into a dangerous illness through the letter. The prisoner applied to be allowed bail. Mr Pewtress opposed it, on account of the serious nature of the charge. Lynch was remanded for eight days, and bail refused.  

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