Cookson, 04 09 1911 2

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4 September 1911


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"I was at the inquest in connection with Sherritt's murder. There were two bullets in his body. It was a double-barrelled rifle that Byrne killed him with. It had belonged to poor Kennedy, who was shot by the outlaws in the Wombat Ranges.

"The police did behave with cowardice that night. If they'd been soldiers on a campaign there'd have been a drum-head court martial, and they'd have been shot. Had they shown themselves that night, however, they'd have been killed, no doubt of that.

"I remember Sherritt's marriage. I had a good deal to do with it. He used to tell his girl he had plenty of money. Well, I knew that there was some due to him from the Government, but not what might be called plenty. One day he came to me- there was a fire brigade demonstration on, and all the shops were closed.

" 'Allen,' he said, 'what am I to do' I'm going to get married, and I haven't a cent; and she thinks I've plenty/ Can you help me?' Well, I gave him about £20, and went to the Presbytery with him. I may say that O gave him stores besides the money. How much shall I give the priest? he asked me. I told him that was a thing that had to be done property. Well, he wanted to hand over £15, but I think the fee paid was less than that.

"Then he drove off to the Woolshed with his wife, and started married life. I don't know what's become of her, but her mother is keeping a public house in Melbourne.

"Sherritt was a man who would do anything- all was the same to him, so that it paid. I used to have a pair of big kneeboots that he badly wanted to get. I told him I had an execution out against a man at the Woolshed, and that if he'd run in his enough of the man's cattle to satisfy the judgement the boots were his. He did it, at once.

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