Last modified on 20 November 2015, at 23:50

Albion Hotel

Visit ... at Jerilderie


Jerilderie , was at 9 Powell Street


Importance of Albion Hotel

The Albion Hotel was owned by Robert McDougall

It was located in Jerilderie in Powell Street between Kennedy and Wood Streets Map

Links to the KellyGang

While the KellyGang held up many of the menbers of the community in the Royal Hotel, Ned Kelly visited the Albion and it may have been the base used by KellyGang's supporters. See (Argus13/2/79) (OMA13/2/1879) (JJK)

The KellyGang said their farewells to Jerilderie from here

What was Albion Hotel like in the late 1870s


Other things of interest

What happened at Albion Hotel after the time of the KellyGang

What is happening at the area of Albion Hotel today