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Const Thomas Meehan

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== Importance of Const Thomas Meehan (2526) ==
'''Mansfield Murders 26/10/1878''' On [[ev78-10--4Mansfield Murders|28/10/1878]] SConsts [[SConst John Kelly|Kelly]], [[SConst James|James]], Consts [[Seymour|Connor]], and [[SConst John Kelly|Bray]] and I went out from [[Benalla Police Station|Benalla]] on a [[Police Search Parties|search party]]. We went through Greta and spent a night on [[Boggy Creek|Boggy Creek]].([[Royal Commission report day 22 page 2|RC7980]])([[Royal Commission report day 52 page 7 (2)|RC17649]])
I was based in Mansfield at the time. When Const [[McIntyre|McIntyre]] returned with the news of the murders Insp [[Pewtress|Pewtress]], on the Sunday afternoon, I was sent from Mansfield to Benalla with news of the murders at [[Stringy Bark Creek|Stringybark]] Creek. On the way I was stopped at [[Barjarg Station|Barjarg]] by sympathizers See also ([[The True Story of the KellyGang of Bushrangers Chapter 2 page 1|CHC]])
I went as far as Barjarg -a station-and saw two suspicious looking men on the road, and I could not go past them because I had no arms at all, and I was in uniform. I said to myself, "Those men have euchered everything-they have shot the police-and what am I to do. I have no firearms, and I have been despatched on this message." Then I returned back to [[Barjarg Station|Joe Allen]]'s (a farmer that lives about a mile back from Barjarg), going back towards Mansfield again. I went back with the object of getting firearms. Allen was not at home. Then I asked Mrs. Allen how far was it back to '''''' [[Barjarg Station|Hickson]]'s. I went to Hickson's. He was out, and there was nobody there at all. I must explain that Hickson's place is about a hundred yards off the road, and when I was coming out on to the road again two horsemen were on the road, and I said to myself, "I must do something. I must use my head as I have no firearms," and I took the mare I was riding back and took the bridle off her, and took the boots off that pinched me. I took them off in the excitement of the moment, and made the best of my way to [[Broken River|Broken River]], my station. I travelled all night and got there the next day. I did not know the country at the time -I was a stranger." ([[Royal Commission report day 52 page 7 (2)|RC17649]])([[The Complete Inner History of the KellyGang and their Pursuers (21)|JJK]])
[[Category:People]] [[Category:People starting with L-M]] [[Category:Kelly j]] [[Category:SConst John Kelly]] [[Category:Police]] [[Category:history]]
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