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The Argus at KellyGang 1/3/1879

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There seems strong evidence to warrant the belief that the Kelly gang have safely regained their old retreat in Victoria. We are informed that [[Joe Byrne|Joe Byrne]] was seen last Monday night coming out of his mothers hut at Sebastopol, about eight miles from Beechworth. He was recognised by a man who knew him intimately, and who followed him on horseback for some miles, until Byrne was joined near the Clear Creek Station by several other men, who were believed to be mounted. The man who had followed Byrne became alarmed for his own safety, and returned to Beechworth. Byrne's mother has, we are informed, been spending money pretty freely in Beechworth within the last few days. The police are evidently suspicious that the gang are somewhere in the neighbourhood, and a detachment is watch ing the district closely. A plant of provisions was discovered a day or two ago in the ranges, about two miles from Mrs Byrnes hut.



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[[The Argus at KellyGang 28/2/1879|Previous edition]] [[The Argus at KellyGang 3/3/1879|Next edition]]


[[Category:1870s]] [[Category:1879]] [[Category:March 1879]] [[Category:The Argus]] [[Category:Newspaper]] [[Category:press report]] [[Category:1880]] [[Category:Joe Byrne]] [[Category:history]]


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