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The Argus at KellyGang 6/6/1881

850 bytes added, 03:59, 15 November 2015
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The police commission took a large quantity of evidence last week on the point referred to in the last summary, viz , the conduct of Mr [[O'Connor|O'Connor]], whom the Government wish to appoint to an inspectorship of police in the North Eastern district. No progress report on that point has been sent in yet.

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[[The Argus at KellyGang 3/6/1881|Previous edition]] [[The Argus at KellyGang 8/6/1881|Next edition]]



[[Category:1880s]] [[Category:1881]] [[Category:June 1881]] [[Category:The Argus]] [[Category:Newspaper]] [[Category:press report]] [[Category:1881]] [[Category:Joe Byrne]] [[Category:history]] [[Category:Royal Commission into the Kelly Gang]]


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