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The Argus at KellyGang 10/9/1881

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Present – Messrs. Fincham (in the chair), Dixon , and Gibb.

Inspector '''[[Brooke Smith|Brooke Smith]]''' was further examined as to his conduct in connexion with the Kelly operations, and also respecting his new duties in the Western district.

Superintendent Sadleir submitted an affidavit from Dr. Nicholson, of Benalla, respecting the Glenrowan affair. The following are extracts from the document :-  

"After dressing Ned Kelly's wound I saw Mr Sadleir, and he asked me whether I thought he was justified in making a rush upon the house. I said that to do so against men in armour, such as we saw, was certain to result in several men being wounded if not mortally wounded, and as the day was young it would be best to wait some time before attempting anything, as there was no possibility of their escape. I then said, 'It is a pity we have not got a small gun with us ; it would make them give in pretty quick, as their armour would be no protection to them, and the chimney could be knocked about their ears. ‘Mr Sadleir said that Captain Standish was starting from Melbourne , and would be up a little after midday , and he would immediately telegraph to him and mention the matter. As no time could be lost, he would send a telegram at once. The telegram was sent about five minutes after the gun was first mentioned. Possibly if there had been time for deliberation it would not have been sent for at all.  

“Mr Sadleir was particularly cool and collected all the time. . . . The position was one of great difficulty, and I do not think that any one would have managed much better. The place might have been rushed, but to unnecessarily risk men's lives would have been foolhardy, however brilliant it would have looked."

The commission held a private sitting in the afternoon to consider the nature of a second progress report they intend to submit to the Government.

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[[The Argus at KellyGang 9/9/1881|Previous edition]] [[The Argus at KellyGang 13/9/1881|Next edition]]


[[Category:1880s]] [[Category:1881]] [[Category:September 1881]] [[Category:The Argus]] [[Category:Newspaper]] [[Category:press report]] [[Category:1881]] [[Category:Joe Byrne]] [[Category:history]] [[Category:Royal Commission into the Kelly Gang]] [[Category:police commission]]


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