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Royal Commission report day 15 page 24

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Story of the KellyGang - the Royal Commission evidence

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== The Royal Commission evidence for 4/5/1881 ==


=== full text ===

(see also introduction to [[Royal Commission report 4/5/1881|day 15]])

'''Constable [[Const W Duross|Duross]]''' '''giving evidence'''

<span id="rc4123">[[#rc4123|4123]]</span> Did that continue all the time?— No; there was a reduction previous to my going to Beechworth. We were transferred there temporarily; then we could not claim it after that.

<span id="rc4124">[[#rc4124|4124]]</span> Before you went up there had you any experience of bush life?— No; I was never stationed out of Melbourne .

<span id="rc4125">[[#rc4125|4125]]</span> Can you ride a horse?— Yes.

<span id="rc4126">[[#rc4126|4126]]</span> Have you been trained in the regular way?— I have been accustomed to horses.

<span id="rc4127">[[#rc4127|4127]]</span> All that you were taught in the artillery barracks was simply big gun drill and infantry drill?— Yes.

<span id="rc4128">[[#rc4128|4128]]</span> Is the infantry drill not very advantageous to you as a policeman?— Yes, it is.

<span id="rc4129">[[#rc4129|4129]]</span> It is a very legitimate basis of education to make a constable?— Yes, it is, in one way; a lot of men marching together would look awkward not marching properly.

<span id="rc4130">[[#rc4130|4130]]</span> And ready to obey orders properly?— Yes.

<span id="rc4131">[[#rc4131|4131]]</span> You were not taught sword exercise?— No.

<span id="rc4132">[[#rc4132|4132]]</span> Have you heard any conversation amongst your comrades about giving evidence before this Commission?— Yes.

<span id="rc4133">[[#rc4133|4133]]</span> Is there any reluctance on the part of the men to give evidence?— I could not state that. I heard a couple of men say they would like to give evidence—in the police.

<span id="rc4134">[[#rc4134|4134]]</span> How do you mean “like”?— Anxious to be examined.

<span id="rc4135">[[#rc4135|4135]]</span> Why?— Before the Board.

<span id="rc4136">[[#rc4136|4136]]</span> Why—that they could give information about the Kelly business?— Not about that in particular.

<span id="rc4137">[[#rc4137|4137]]</span> About what?— Other subjects.

<span id="rc4138">[[#rc4138|4138]]</span> Is there any disinclination amongst the men to give evidence?— Not to my knowledge.

<span id="rc4139">[[#rc4139|4139]]</span> Is there any fear of the officers amongst the men?— Not to my knowledge.

<span id="rc4140">[[#rc4140|4140]]</span> If there was a disinclination, would not you be likely to hear it?— I might not.

<span id="rc4141">[[#rc4141|4141]]</span> There is no such feeling to your knowledge?— No.

<span id="rc4142">[[#rc4142|4142]]</span> Have you heard any at Beechworth express a desire to give evidence?— Constable Dowling and myself applied we saw Mr. Hare's evidence; and I now ask to be present when Detective Ward is finishing his evidence.

<span id="rc4143">[[#rc4143|4143]]</span> As to the drill, were you not drilled in the use of firearms in the North-Eastern district?— No, only by myself, or with one of my mates. We must have a little practice. Gascoigne and I went out together.

<span id="rc4144">[[#rc4144|4144]]</span> You had no regular practice—no one giving you regular instructions in the use of firearms?— No

<span id="rc4145">[[#rc4145|4145]]</span> Is not Gascoigne a first-rate shot?— Yes.

<span id="rc4146">[[#rc4146|4146]]</span> Were you allowed to use ammunition to practise with?— We got orders on one occasion not to use so much, and we used very little of it.

<span id="rc4147">[[#rc4147|4147]]</span> ''By Mr. Nicolson''. —When was that?— When I was at [[Violet Town|Violet Town]] . There was an order came not to expend so much of it, and then the order came that Colt's ammunition was very scarce.

<span id="rc4148">[[#rc4148|4148]]</span> Did you not get an order previous to that to begin to practice?— Yes, to have a little practice.

<span id="rc4149">[[#rc4149|4149]]</span> ''By the Commission''. —Was there a sergeant at Violet Town ?— I was there by myself a considerable time.

<span id="rc4150">[[#rc4150|4150]]</span> Did you get a circular that you were to make yourselves proficient by the use of Government ammunition?— I think that was the order that we could use a little.

<span id="rc4151">[[#rc4151|4151]]</span> You were limited in the use of it?— Yes.

<span id="rc4152">[[#rc4152|4152]]</span> ''By Mr. Nicolson''. —Did you not get an order to discharge your Colt's revolver every week?— There may be an order in the first part of it like that, but in the latter end we got an order that we were to be very careful in expending Colt's ammunition.

<span id="rc4153">[[#rc4153|4153]]</span> ''By the Commission''. —Are you now supplied with a Colt s revolver or a Webley?— No; I have neither.

<span id="rc4154">[[#rc4154|4154]]</span> What arms had you at Violet Town ?— The Colt's revolver and the Spencer rifle.

<span id="rc4155">[[#rc4155|4155]]</span> Has the Colt's revolver a cartridge or a cap?— A cap......

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