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Royal Commission report day 21 page 18

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Story of the KellyGang - the Royal Commission evidence

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== The Royal Commission evidence for 17/5/1881 ==


=== full text ===

(see also introduction to [[Royal Commission report 17/5/1881|day 21]])

'''Const [[Const Daniel Barry|Barry]] giving evidence'''

<span id="rc7774_7741">[[#rc7774_7741|7774.7741]]</span> Did you take those orders as coming from me?— I understood you were there, and I expected they came from you.

<span id="rc7774_7742">[[#rc7774_7742|7774.7742]]</span> ''By the Commission. —''Did you receive any orders to fire low, as the Kellys were supposed to be crouching in the chimney?— No.

<span id="rc7774_7743">[[#rc7774_7743|7774.7743]]</span> Would you have taken any different steps to capture the two outlaws remaining in the hotel than were adopted on that day?— I could not think of any better.

<span id="rc7774_7744">[[#rc7774_7744|7774.7744]]</span> Did it strike you there that day that some other course should be adopted different to your being placed in a position where you had to protect yourself against a portion of the fire of the police on the other side of the hotel?— Yes, I did.

<span id="rc7774_7745">[[#rc7774_7745|7774.7745]]</span> Were any orders given to your knowledge that the police on one side were to fire while the others remained under cover?— I never heard of any.

<span id="rc7774_7746">[[#rc7774_7746|7774.7746]]</span> Under ordinary circumstances, do you not think that the officer in charge ought to have made that a portion of his special duty?— Certainly I do.

<span id="rc7774_7747">[[#rc7774_7747|7774.7747]]</span> Did you know there were a lot of civilians at this particular time in the house?— No,

<span id="rc7774_7748">[[#rc7774_7748|7774.7748]]</span> When did you know they were there?— When they came out.

<span id="rc7774_7749">[[#rc7774_7749|7774.7749]]</span> Did you not see Mr. [[Neil McHugh|McHugh]] bringing out the wounded child?— I heard him speaking to [[Gascoigne|Gascoigne]] a little distance away —I heard him giving his name; and Gascoigne covered him with his rifle, and got his name,

<span id="rc7774_7750">[[#rc7774_7750|7774.7750]]</span> With the wounded child?— Yes.

<span id="rc7774_7751">[[#rc7774_7751|7774.7751]]</span> Was the order sent round to fire high because the civilians were in the house?— No; I never heard it said on that account.

<span id="rc7774_7752">[[#rc7774_7752|7774.7752]]</span> You were not aware you were likely to shoot the civilians while you were firing in?— No; only those I wanted to shoot.

<span id="rc7774_7753">[[#rc7774_7753|7774.7753]]</span> It was stated at Glenrowan that when the civilians came out they were fired at by police, and had to go back—did you see that?— No; I was not aware of that.

<span id="rc7774_7754">[[#rc7774_7754|7774.7754]]</span> Do you know where Sergeant [[Steele|Steele]] was stationed?— Yes; that was the east end.

<span id="rc7774_7755">[[#rc7774_7755|7774.7755]]</span> Immediately opposite from where you were standing?— Yes.

<span id="rc7774_7756">[[#rc7774_7756|7774.7756]]</span> You did not see anything of the white handkerchief being held out the window?— No, I did not.

<span id="rc7774_7757">[[#rc7774_7757|7774.7757]]</span> There was nothing to indicate to you that there were prisoners in the house?— Nothing whatever.

<span id="rc7774_7758">[[#rc7774_7758|7774.7758]]</span> Until they came out?— Until they came out.

<span id="rc7774_7759">[[#rc7774_7759|7774.7759]]</span> No word passed round to that effect?— No.

<span id="rc7774_7760">[[#rc7774_7760|7774.7760]]</span> No screams from women?— That was when they were away.

<span id="rc7774_7761">[[#rc7774_7761|7774.7761]]</span> Did you hear any shots fired while they were escaping?— Yes.

<span id="rc7774_7762">[[#rc7774_7762|7774.7762]]</span> From whom?— From the police outside, if there were shots being fired then.

<span id="rc7774_7763">[[#rc7774_7763|7774.7763]]</span> Did you hear any cries from the women at the time?— They were singing out all the time.

<span id="rc7774_7764">[[#rc7774_7764|7774.7764]]</span> Calling out for mercy?— No, I could not say what they said. They were crying and screaming the greater part of the time, perhaps half an hour altogether or longer.

<span id="rc7774_7765">[[#rc7774_7765|7774.7765]]</span> At what time?— As soon as the firing cessed; they escaped very soon after.

<span id="rc7774_7766">[[#rc7774_7766|7774.7766]]</span> Besides bearing Constable Gascoigne saying women were present, and Mr. Hare's orders, you were perfectly sure from your own knowledge, that there were women there from their screeching?— Yes.

<span id="rc7774_7767">[[#rc7774_7767|7774.7767]]</span> Did you communicate that to any men that came round; did you communicate that to [[SConst John Kelly|Senior-Constable Kelly]]?— I am certain I did not, but he must have heard it better than I did.

<span id="rc7774_7768">[[#rc7774_7768|7774.7768]]</span> The women you heard did not return to the house?— No, we heard their voices going away towards the railway platform. After they left I considered there was no one in the house to shoot but the outlaws.

<span id="rc7774_7769">[[#rc7774_7769|7774.7769]]</span> Were you not covered by the tree from the shooting of your comrades?— Yes, when I remained behind it.

<span id="rc7774_7770">[[#rc7774_7770|7774.7770]]</span> Did you make known to any of your superiors that you were in danger from the firing of your comrades?— There was none to make it known to.

<span id="rc7774_7771">[[#rc7774_7771|7774.7771]]</span> Was not Senior-Constable Kelly near you?— No.

<span id="rc7774_7772">[[#rc7774_7772|7774.7772]]</span> Was there anyone in higher rank than you are?— When they fired a shot we kept singing out, “Who fired that shot,” and telling them to shoot in a different direction. The shots were whistling in the timber by us.

<span id="rc7774_7773">[[#rc7774_7773|7774.7773]]</span> Was it s fact the shots were endangering you—that the shots of the comrades were more dangerous than those of the outlaws?— Yes; and the particular time I allude to is immediately after the prisoners rushed out of the house. There was a long volley fired then, without any warning, I heard myself; and I was for some time myself in a very awkward position.

<span id="rc7774_7774">[[#rc7774_7774|7774.7774]]</span> Could you not have removed from where you were?— No, not after the firing commenced, that particular volley.....

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