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Story of the KellyGang - the Royal Commission evidence

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The Royal Commission evidence for 8/6/1881


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(see also introduction to day 27)

Mrs Margaret Reardon giving evidence

10682 You say now the platform?— No, from towards the station, between the gate house and the station.

10683 You said those people were in the trench?— I mean they were in the trench; it was from the trench.

10684 You say that persons or the police commenced to fire from the trench?— I could not say who they were, but it came from the trench.

10685 By the Commission— What time were you fired at by those in the trench?— When we went out first we were driven back by the fire from those parties, but, on the second occasion, when Sergeant Steele commenced firing up there, the parties in this trench answered.

10686 By Mr. O'Connor— Have you any idea how far the persons in the trench were from you ?— I have no idea.

10687 Would you be surprised if the persons in the trench could not possibly have seen you at the time?— I would not, because I stood in the open, not far from the slip panel in the open yard; but perhaps they were not looking.

10688 By the Commission. —Have you been there often since?— No.

10689 You do not know whether it was the black trackers?— I could not say who it was, but it was the party in the gutter between the fence and the railway station.

10690 By Mr. O'Connor. —Will you look at this plan, and show where you were?—[ The witness did so.]

10691 Could a person from a position in that drain fire at you there?— I did not say they fired at me, but I said they fired towards the hotel.

10692 Then you are not positive they fired at you?— No, I am not. I only say they fired at the hotel at the same time.

The witness withdrew.

[[../../people/peQ_R/reardonJR.html|James Reardon]] further examined .

10693 By the Commission. —Did you notice that Sergeant Steele has stated in his evidence that your son was crawling on his hands and knees?— Yes.

10694 Is that true?— It is not true.

10695 Did you see your son shot?— No, I did not. I believe I was lying on my face and hands, between the two houses, when he was hit.

10696 How do you swear that he was not crawling.,—Sergeant Steele said he was crawling, coming out, but I saw him walking. He had the child by the hand, and the other hand up. I was behind at the time and his mother before him.

10697 Did he continue when going back to the house to run along with his hand up?— No, he did not.

10698 Did you see him returning to the house?— I would not swear that. I was lying down myself, between the two houses, because there were four or five bullets skimmed my hair.

10699 Did you see him going out?— I did. I was walking behind him.

10700 Did you see him pass from the house?— Yes.

10701 Did you hear him challenged by Sergeant Steele, or any voice?— No, I did not.

10702 Did you see him holding his hand up?— I did.

10703 Did the boy make any remark that he was shot ?— He did when he went in. He said, “I am shot.” It was at the door he was shot, and he wanted a drink of water, and nobody could rise to give it to him..

The witness withdrew....

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