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Story of the KellyGang - the Royal Commission evidence

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The Royal Commission evidence for 1/9/1881


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(see also introduction to day 48)

'Sup Francis Augustus Hare giving evidence'

16439 I see by your report that you said you would not accept any of the reward?— Yes, I did.

16440 Did you apply to be allowed to participate in it?— I did. In sending in my report I said I would not accept of any; and subsequently, at the suggestion of Mr. Ramsay , who wrote to me and advised me to withdraw that portion of my report, I did so. He told me (I have got his letter, if you wish to see it) to withdraw that portion of the application, as he had intended to put a sum on the Estimates for me; and, as I was not likely to get it, he advised me to go in for the reward.

16441 Are you aware whether the other superintendents engaged in that have applied also?— I believe they have, every one of them; Mr. Sadleir and Mr. O'Connor, the only two officers engaged in it, both applied for it.

16442 You heard Captain Standish's evidence yesterday?— I did.

16443 Did you also know of the circumstances that he alluded to the arrangement made between himself and Wallace the schoolmaster to have an interview?— I think I did. I think he told me everything I remember I advised him strongly not to do it.

16444 Did he make you aware that the interview took place?— That was after I left the district that meeting took place, and he told me he had been up to Benalla—a suggestion had been made by Wallace.

16445 You were not informed what took place at the interview?— Nothing more than I have said, that he was asked to make an appointment to meet Joe Byrne in the bush.

16446 By Mr. Nicolson— With reference to your allusions to Power's case, you spoke of Mr. Montford being promoted?— Yes.

16447 And you also say I was promoted at the time to Melbourne ?— Yes, you were brought down to Melbourne .

16448 Do you mean to say I was brought down as a promotion?— Yes, you got extra pay; not in rank

16449 Are you not aware that Inspector Ryall, my predecessor in the detectives, received extra, and I merely got that?— Yes.

16450 That £100 a year was attached to the office?— Yes, the officer in charge of the detectives. You got an increase of £100 a year I say.

16451 £100 a year was attached to the office?— I say you received £100 a year when you came down to Melbourne after the Power capture.

16452 Do you say you were the leader of the Power party?— I say I was the organizer.

16453 Can you make a distinction between that and leader?— I should. I say I organized the party, and I took you up instead of you taking me; and I took my clerk Montfort, and my four constables, and drove you up in my own buggy to Benalla, and I was communicated with about the matter before you were, and I had carte blanche to make whatever arrangements I chose.

16454 It has been said there was only one trip to Benalla?— There were two trips.

16455 You and I then went up together?— Yes.

16456 And made the arrangements?— No, I do not think we made any arrangements.

16457 Did you not see the person who was to lead us?— I am not certain of that. I do not think we saw the person at all. As far as I can recollect, we did not on the first occasion. We went up there about Ned Kelly being arrested by Mr. Nicholas and his party, and we had some communication with him; and Mr. Nicholas told us that he knew of some person that could give information about Power, and we asked him and pressed him to give us that information, and Mr. Nicholas did not do so. And then we returned to town with Ned Kelly , who was brought down to the Depot. Ned Kelly and Power were together.

16458 When I came up to Benalla in July 1879 to relieve you, were you not on leave of absence at that time?— I think I had just come, about four days before, from a search party.

16459 Were you not on leave of absence?— No, I was sick.

16460 Was there a coursing meeting going on at that time?— Yes, just after you came up there was one going on in Benalla.

16461 Did you attend that?— I did.....

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