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Story of the KellyGang - the Royal Commission evidence

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The Royal Commission evidence for 4/8/1881


full text

(see also introduction to day 53)

[[../../people/peQ_R/quinnPartickSy.html|Patrick Quin]] giving evidence

Mr. Sadleir — He refers to the 28th of September.

The Witness — I was going to Benalla the same night, only there was a man on horseback came after me, and I made to go into Benalla, and this man got beside me and pulled up and stood up under a bush. So I thought it was someone watching me and following me, so I went home, and this man kept in sight of me all the way home. After I got in I let the horse go and went into the house, and this man came into the slip panel to see whether I let my horse go, and then went out. The next morning I tracked his horse along the same road going back to where he was when I first saw him.

17728 Have you anything more particular to say?— No, I think not.

17729 By Mr. Nicolson — You remember, you say, my coming over the first time I saw you, with Detective Ward and Senior-Constable Strahan, one Sunday evening?— Yes.

17730 Do you remember it was a Sunday evening?— Yes.

17731 Sergeant Steele also?— Yes.

17732 Do you remember afterwards telling me of the appearance of one of the outlaws, or a young man on the cross-road on the ranges?— Yes; I was carting rails.

17733 Do you know who that man was—was it Byrne?— No, I think it was Hart.

17734 You made a promise that you would come and go out with us?— Yes.

17735 I do not know what prevented you, but I sent Senior-Constable Strahan to see why you did not come. You were engaged harvesting—that was the message that came back. Do you remember sending a message back by Strahan?— That was a message you got a long time after, because I heard that I was blamed for putting those men away, and if I did not mind myself I would get shot, and I think I said to you after, that unless I went with you altogether and cleared out of there, that those fellows had their liberty and would shoot me.

17736 Do you remember my seeing you after the return from Melbourne, on Wednesday, towards the end of November 1878, just before the Euroa robbery?— No, it was either Monday or Tuesday I went in to Benalla, and I saw you before the Euroa Bank robbery.

17737 Then this thing occurred you spoke of—you saw Mr. Sadleir and myself?— Yes, and I asked to see you, and I saw you that evening.

17738 What did you propose to me?— I asked for you to send someone or come with me up the King, about twenty-five miles above Glenmore Station, and you said that you were after coming in from a long ride and the horses were tired.

17739 Did you see men and horses about the yard at the time. Do you remember my pointing them out at the time?— No.

17740 Were you not in the yard?— Not with you. It was late in the evening when you were talking to me. I had waited till you came.

17741 Were the horses and men pointed out to you. Did you see them that afternoon?— I do not think it. I remember your making a remark to me about the horses. I do not recollect your showing them to me—still you might hare done so. I remember your saying after, you would send to Sergeant Steele, at Wangaratta, and someone else, that they would meet me.

17742 What statement did you make to me—You mentioned about the woman?— Yes.

17743 Did you tell us about Mrs. Skillian?— Yes, certainly.

17744 Where did you say those men were?— Up the King.

17745 Did you describe the sort of place?— Yes, the place where Jim Quin had been at the time he was away from the police. I described it as a basin.

17746 The Euroa Bank robbery occurred on the 10th, what day of the week did you say this was you saw me?— It was either a Monday or Tuesday, eight or nine days before.

17747 Was it Sunday or Monday?— It was either Monday or Tuesday. It was not Sunday, I know.

17748 Do you not remember any appointment you had with us, just immediately before that?— No. You said before I left you on that day, you promised to come on Thursday, and I said it would be too late. Strahan came to me on the Thursday and said you could not come. I said I thought it was too late then. This was the time that this man Roach came to me after I was loading the rails, and he was very excited.

17749 Do you deny that I saw you in Benalla on Wednesday the 27th of November?— It was not on Wednesday; it was either Monday or Tuesday.

17750 Do you say that on that occasion I did not make an appointment with you for a party to go out with you on Friday the 29th?— It was not on Wednesday you saw me. You said you would not come, but would get a party to meet me at the King station; and Constable Strachan came to me on Thursday, and said you could not come and could not send the men.

17751 Do you not remember receiving a message from me, more than once, complaining at your not coming?— No, I never did. I was ready with my horse. ....

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