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== Importance of Alphonse Piazzi ==

== I was the contractor at Glenrowan living in the tents with my men ==

== Links to the KellyGang ==

'''Before the Glenrowan siege''' I left the political trouble in Italy to come to Australia '''Siege at Glenrowan''' With my partner Joseph Bossen, I had a contract with the Benalla council to cart stone from Glenrowan to Benalla.

We also won contracts for other road projects in the area and carted hay etc. We also did work for the railways, replacing balist on the track and things like that.

Joseph had most of the money and I did most of the work

We loaded the stone at Glenrowan into carts by hand and took it to the railway where we loaded it into rail wagons for the trip to Benalla

I lived with my 6 employees in tents along the railway at Glenrowan.

Mrs Jones allowed us to use the Glenrwan Inn to cook our dinner and we had the occasional drink there ([[Cookson, 02_09_1911_2|BWC]])

My men included John Lowe, Amidie?, George [[Metcalf|Metcalf]] , Neil [[Neil McHugh|McHugh]] , William Sandercook and Denis [[Sullivan|Sullivan]]

'''Photograph''' '''After the Siege''' I gave evidence at the [[Courts|Magisterial Inquiry]] into [[Joe Byrne|Joe Byrne]]'s death in Benalla the day after the siege ([[The Argus (17)|Argus30/6/80]]) ([[Ovens and Murray Advertiser (3)|OMA1/7/80]])

I and my partner put in a claim for £40 for horses that were shot by the police at the siege

'''Later Career''' I died in late 1881 '''.'''

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[[Category:People]] [[Category:People starting with N-P]] [[Category:Piazzi]] [[Category:Alphonse Piazzi]] [[Category:Pyatzer]] [[Category:Railway contractor]] [[Category:Glenrowan]] [[Category:history]]


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