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Barjarg Station

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== One of the original properties in the Kelly Country ==

; Nearest towns

: [[Mansfield|Mansfield]]

== History at Barjarg Station before the KellyGang ==

First taken up by overlanders from New South Wales in 1837 to 1840. Originally it was part of the [[Properties|Watson]] and Hunter empire that was based at [[Wappan|Wappan]] and included Barjar, [[Dueran|Dueran]], [[Maindample|Maindample]], [[Mount Battery|Mt Battery]], [[Preston|Preston]], and [[Loyola|Loyola]].

The pastrol licence to Barjarg was held by '''William Arundell'''

Christian Asquith junior, was a stockman on Barjar when he married Hannah Murtagh, in 1861 at Benalla.

Christian’s father also Christian Asquith is better known for finding Gold in Bendigo just outside his Shepherd’s Hut near a Bendigo Creek. Just who found the first gold in Bendigo is unclear but he was living in the hut and was one of 5 who had the first gold. Ann was the sister of Christopher Asquith junior.

Mr Clifton, manager? 1868. Shearing at Barjarg ([[Alexandra Times at KellyGang 10/11/1868 (2)|Alexandra10/11/1868]])

'''D Behins''' was at Barjarg Station in 1876

'''Where did the name [[Properties|Barjarg]] come from'''



'''The original aboriginal owners'''

<blockquote>There is a report that aborigines were poisoned at a banquet at Barjarg. (See Colonial Doctor and his Town by Joan Gillison)


'''The first selectors'''

Ernest Alfred Lee was one of the first selectors. His property is now covered by the Hume Weir.



=== Original neighbouring properties ===

; North

: [[Lima|Lima]]

; South

: [[Maindample|Maindample]]

; West

: [[Fern Hills|Fern Hills]]

; East

: [[Saintfield|Saintfield]]

[[The Argus at KellyGang 15/8/1865|It would be great to hear more about Barjarg Satation; can you please help]]

== What was Barjarg Station like in the late 1870's ==

== Links to the KellyGang ==

Const [[Const Thomas Meehan|Thomas Meehan]] stopped at Barjarg by sympathizers soon

after the [[ev78-10--4Mansfield Murders|Mansfield Murders]]

<blockquote>&quot;I went as far as Barjarg -a station-and saw two suspicious looking men on the road, and I could not go past them because I had no arms at all, and I was in uniform. I said to myself, &quot;Those men have euchered everything-they have shot the police-and what am I to do. I have no firearms, and I have been despatched on this message.&quot; Then I returned back to '''Joe Allen''''s (a farmer that lives about a mile back from Barjarg), going back towards [[Mansfield|Mansfield]] again. I went back with the object of getting firearms. Allen was not at home. Then I asked Mrs. Allen how far was it back to Hickson's. I went to '''Hickson''''s. He was out, and there was nobody there at all. I must explain that Hickson's place is about a hundred yards off the road, and when I was coming out on to the road again two horsemen were on the road, and I said to myself, &quot;I must do something. I must use my head as I have no firearms,&quot; and I took the mare I was riding back and took the bridle off her, and took the boots off that pinched me. I took them off in the excitement of the moment, and made the best of my way to Broken River, my station. I travelled all night and got there the next day. I did not know the country at the time -I was a stranger.&quot;( [[Royal Commission report day 52 page 7 (2)|RC17649]])

See longer version ([[The Alexandra and Yea Standard, Gobur, Thornton and Acheron Express at KellyGang 2/11/1878 (4)|2/11/1878]])


A family story from the area goes something like this;

&quot;A man turned up one day as they were working and it was raining heavily. The man had no jacket on which they thought was unusual at the time. Anyway he asked Pop for a ride into Benalla to catch the train to Melbourne, so they dried his clothes and fed him and Pop took him into Benalla. A short time after Pop's return the police turned up asking for this man. Apparently he was wanted in connection with a murder in Mansfield. So they told the police what had transpired. I think the police caught up with him on the train or in Melbourne. A number of years after a jacket was found covered in blood stuffed up a hollow log.&quot;

Mr Hickson found Const Meehan's horse ([[The Argus at KellyGang 29/10/1878|Argus29/10/79]])

== Rivers Creeks and Hills near Barjarg Station ==

== What happened at Barjarg Station after the time of the KellyGang ==

== What is happening at Barjarg Station today ==

[[Category:Places]] [[Category:Places starting with A-B]] [[Category:Barjarg Station the property]] [[Category:Kelly Gang]] [[Category:Squatters]]


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