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Police Agents

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== The role of police agents ==

== <span id="List of police">[[#List%20of%20police|police agents at KellyGang]]</span> ==

[[Bungamara|Galloping Jack]]


Hunter ([[Royal Commission report day 12 page 15|RC2552]])

[[John Sherritt Jnr|Jones]]


[[Aaron Sherritt|Moses]](Aaron Sherritt)

Renwick, Lawrence [[Lawrence Kirwan|Kirwan]],


[[Aaron Sherritt|Sherritt]], Aaron

[[Anne and John Sherritt Snr|Sherritt]], Mrs Ann

[[John Sherritt Jnr|Sherritt]], John

'''Stevens''' ([[Royal Commission report day 48 page 20|RC16643]]) ([[Royal Commission report day 50 page 25|RC17101]])

[[Aaron Sherritt|Tommy]] (Aaron Sherritt) Bruce ([[Royal Commission report day 12 page 15|RC2552]])



Captain Sneak

[[Diseased Stock Agent|Diseased Stock]] Agent

[[Patrick Quinn|Foote]]


On about [[events 1879-08/ 1879-10|28/9/1879]] Sup [[Sadleir|Sadleir]] met '''Foote''' near Oxley and he told him of seeling the '''KellyGang''' with Tom Lloyd the day before ([[Royal Commission report day 49 page 6|RC16698]])

The Royal Commission reported on this incident in some detail:

Foot reported that the '''KellyGang''', &quot;were on foot, and of their identity there could not be any doubt. Mr. [[Nicolson|Nicolson]], on being informed of this, at once telegraphed to Mr. Sadleir, from Benalla, instructing him to bring the man down. This order was not complied with, Mr. Sadleir explaining that he had left his informant drinking at a public house, and that he would himself be able to find the precise spot where the outlaws had been seen. Upon being questioned upon this point, Mr. Sadleir's knowledge was found to be vague; and Mr. Nicolson, under the circumstances, took no action.

This was the occasion upon which the search party had assembled in the barrack yard at Benalla, with their horses saddled and ready to start, when at the last moment they were ordered back to quarters. In the following memo., [[events 1879-08/ 1879-10|30th September 1879]], Mr. Nicolson thus explains to the [[Standish|Chief Commissioner]] his reasons for adopting this course:-

The informant was ..; he stated he saw five men. From conversation with Superintendent Sadleir, upon his return from Wangaratta, it did not appear that &quot;the spot was indicated so that it could be found without difficulty,&quot; nor that &quot;it could be taken up by the trackers at daybreak before the people were moving&quot; and had become conscious of the presence of the police among them. The subsequent examination of Mounted-Constable [[Const Cornelius Ryan|Ryan]] as to the locality and its approaches did not tend to remove the above impression. It appeared that the neighborbood was settled, and that our party could hardly expect to pass Lloyd's house, even at midnight, without being discovered, and that the trackers might have to search over at least a quarter of a mile before finding the footprints., and considering the precaution said to have been taken by the men seen by in sending a man to dog him home, it seemed likely that they had taken the other pre caution of moving off, and, with the fifth man and other friends, each had taken separate directions, so that the trackers pursuing might find themselves running down one wrong man. Sub-Inspector O'Connor was of opinion that the chance of success was a bad one.

Considering my other improving sources of information, I determined, upon this occasion, not to disturb the false sense of security into which the outlaws have been lulled. Although I decided upon the above course upon the merits of the report made to me, yet I may remind the Chief Commissioner that .., the informant, was the man who tried to induce me to proceed with the Benalla police and meet him at the head of the King River on the day before the Euroa bank robbery. &quot; ([[Royal Commission second Report Part XII ( page 17)|RC2ndreportXII]])([[Patrick Quinn|Pat Quinn]])

Early in December or January 1879 Sup [[Sadleir|Sadleir]] had a couple of private agents. He sent one of the scouts or agents into the upper end of the [[Strathbogie Ranges|Strathbogie]] country. The agent travelled in amongst the most likely places there. The other took in about the [[Wombat ranges|Wombat]]. They also took in the heads of the [[King River|King River]] and the '''Devil's River'''. Sadleir paid them 10s. a day, and they provided their own horses and their own provisions. ([[Royal Commission report day 11 page 3|RC2025]])

Soon after the Euroa robbery an agent named on that list, &quot;'''Sherrington''',&quot; offered himself to Com Standish, and was employed (RC2029)

Who was '''Tommy'''? ([[Royal Commission report day 12 page 18|RC2729]])

On [[events 1880-4/ 1880-6|29/5/1880]], on Ass Com [[Nicolson|Nicolson]]'s last Saturday he forwarded a man from Benalla to Det [[Ward|Ward]]- &quot;'''Renwick''',&quot; giving Ward instructions what he was to do with him. Ward accompanied &quot;Renwick&quot; to very near Sebastopol on Sunday morning. Renwick informed Ward that he saw one of the outlaws on the side of the range, on the right-hand side of Mrs. Byrne's, going up the gully; that he saw a greyhound with him. Ward did not believe Renwick. ([[Royal Commission report day 38 page 7|RC13860]])

Renwick lived near Beechworth but he would not work for Sup Hare. ([[Royal Commission report day 12 page 19|RC2680]])

Did the police use women agents. ([[Royal Commission report day 3 page 5|RC740]])

Only '''Stevens''' at Glenrowan and Aaron Sherritt were to be paid after Ass Com Nicolson left duty in June 1880 ([[Royal Commission report day 48 page 20|RC16643]])


[[Category:Things]] [[Category:Justice &amp; Police things]] [[Category:police agents]] [[Category:bushrangers]] [[Category:history]] [[Category:New South Wales]]


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