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{{KellyGang Side}}

== The KellyGang consisted of Ned Kelly Joe Byrne Dan Kelly and Steve Hart ==

'''Links to the KellyGang''' '''below''' , [[#1st|Early Years]] , [[#fitz|Fitzpatrick Incident]] , [[#gold|Gold Mining]] , [[#mm|Deaths at Stringy Bark Creek]], [[#north|Escape North]], [[#euroa|Euroa Robbery]], Mass arrest of sympathizers , [[#Jerilderie|Jerrilderie Robbery]] ''',''' [[#1879|Later in 1879]] , [[#e80|Early in 1880]] , [[#AS|Death of Aaron Sherritt]] , [[#glf|Glenrowan Siege]] , [[#trial|Ned Kelly's Trial]] , [[#rcom|Royal Commission]]

== Where did the KellyGang come from ==

In late [[1874-1877 Events|1876]] Ned [[Ned Kelly|Kelly]] left the sawmill with [[Saunders|Saunders]] and [[Rule|Rule]] and went bush with his brother [[Dan Kelly|Dan]] and his father in law George [[George King|King]]. Other members of the Greta Mob such as the Lloyd boys and Joe [[Joe Byrne|Byrne]] and Aaron [[Aaron Sherritt|Sherritt]] rode with with them. Horses were as irrestistable to young men as fast cars are today. This group took matters further and they seemed to live on [[Horse and Cattle stealing|cattle and horse]] stealing. During this time they had a run in with the influential squatter James [[Whitty|Whitty]]. They stole some of his best animals.

At about this time they tried to get Joe Byrne's friend [[Aaron Sherritt|Aaron]] Sherritt to join but he declined the invitation ([[Royal Commission report day 37 page 9|RC13157]])

By April [[15-04-78 Fitzgerald incident|1878]] the police had had some successes against the locals and many of the Kellly's friends were already in goal.


== Fitzpatrick Incident [[15-04-78 Fitzgerald incident|15/04/1878]] ==

In a real way the story of the '''KellyGang''' started at about 6 pm on the 15/4/1878 when Constable [[Fitzpatrick|Fitzpatrick]] came to the [[Kelly Home|Kelly home]] to arrest [[Dan Kelly|Dan Kelly]] on a charge of stealing horses from a squatter called [[Whitty|Whitty]]. Dan agreed to be arrested by Fitzpatrick but wanted dinner first. Fitzpatrick alleged that [[Ned Kelly|Ned Kelly]] came in and shot him in the wrist.

[[Mrs Ellen Kelly|Mrs Kelly]] [[William Skillion|Skillion]] and [[William Williamson, Brickey|Williamson]] were charged with the attempted murder of Fitzpatrick and sent to goal. It is thought that [[Joe Byrne|Joe Byrne]] was at the Kelly home and that Skillion was wrongly identified by Fitzpatrick.

The members of the '''KellyGang''' had individualy had run ins with the police before but they were enraged by the thought of Ned and Dan's mother, [[Mrs Ellen Kelly|Mrs Kelly]] being imprisoned so soon after the birth of her last daughter Alice. The boys refused to be arrested and they started a life in the bush with the police in pursuit.

The Government responded to Fitzpatrick's conduct by offering a [[Reward|reward]] of £100 for our apprehension ([[Royal Commission report day 1 page 2|RC6]])

Soon after the attempted shooting of Fitzpatrick, the '''KellyGang''' took the same horses that they had used that morning and a pack horse, and went up towards the place where the murders were committed, having previously been there with other people who were evading justice. ([[Royal Commission report day 45 page 14|RC15529]])

Hear Fitzpatricks version of events if you really need to ([[Cookson, 23_09_1911_2|BWC]]) ([[The Argus at KellyGang 22/5/1878|Argus22/5/78]])

Did we really want to take a lady'd horse ([[The Argus at KellyGang 3/6/1878|Argus3/6/78]])

Did we try and leave Australia on the Storm Boy? ([[Cookson, 15_09_1911_1|BWC]]).

== Gold mining and whiskey making near Stringy Bark Creek ==

After the Fitzpatrick incident the '''KellyGang''' went off to a place in the mountains at [[Bullocky Creek|Bullocky]] Creek where some of them had been before. Soon [[Ned Kelly|Ned]] and [[Dan Kelly|Dan]] Kelly and Joe [[Joe Byrne|Byrne]] were joined by their cousin [[Tom Lloyd Jnr|Loyd]] Steve [[Steve Hart|Hart]] who had just left [[Beechworth Gaol|Beechworth Goal]].

See a description of our camp at Bullocky Creek. ([[The Argus at KellyGang 13/11/1880|Argus13/11/80]]) We played euchre ([[Cookson, 19_09_1911_1|BWC]]) See also ([[The Complete Inner History of the KellyGang and their Pursuers (18)|JJK]])

[[Graves|Graves]] told the Royal Commission, ' For a series of years from Power's time they had a regular well-beaten track from [[Mansfield|Mansfield]] to cross, which was only used by themselves. A week hardly elapsed that I did not find in my paddocks (at [[Emu Station|Emu]]) either one of my horses ridden, or one of theirs left there and one of mine taken. The '''KellyGang''' had always relays of horses at those back country places, as you are not allowed to impound horses if they belong to neighbors, and there they would remain till they would come for them. They were always on the beaten track backwards and forwards to [[Mansfield|Mansfield]].' ([[Royal Commission report day 45 page 16|RC15554]])

The boys found some small quantities of alluvial on [[German's Creek|German's Creek]]. The panned and sluced and sunk shafts along the line of the local creek. To suppliment this income and raise money for the defence of Mrs Kelly and the others they also set up 2 whiskey stills and planted crops on 20 acres which they cleared. The boys also peppered the local trees as they practiced their shooting skills. Occasionally Joe Byrne would go off to [[Mansfield|Mansfield]] where he was not known and other friends would come up and help with the work around the camp.

7/5/[[17/4-4/10/78 Events|1878]] the police had information that the '''KellyGang''' were at the old diggings place. They made a search of the area but did not go high enough to find the boys ([[Royal Commission report day 14 page 7|RC3121]])

The police knew we were armed before they met us at Stringy Bark Creek ([[Royal Commission report day 14 page 6|RC3112]]) In his orders to Sgt [[Kennedy Sgt|Kennedy]], Sup [[Sadleir|Sadlier]] thought Ned was at Greta or near the Wombat ([[Royal Commission report day 41 page 10|RC14392]])

Did [[SConst James|SConst James]] discover our strong hold. ([[The Argus at KellyGang 30/11/1878|Argus30/11/78]])


== Deaths at Stringy Bark Creek in the Wombat Rangers 26/10/1878 ==

On 25 October Ned Kelly had been to Table Top and the Bogs and [[Emu Swamp|Emu]] and on his way back to [[Bullocky Creek|Bullock]] Creek he came cross the tracks of a police party.

One of the police fired at some parrots during the afternoon of Saturday 26/10 so the '''KellyGang''' knew that other people were in the area. They were camped on [[Stringy Bark Creek|Stringybark]] Creek less a mile and a half south east from our camp on [[Bullocky Creek|Kellys]] Creek. This is what we had to say in the Cameron [[Cameron Letter|Letter]]:

<blockquote>'....found police camped at the Shingle Hut with long fire arms and we came to the conclusion our doom was sealed unless we could take their fire-arms, as we had nothing but a gun and a rifle if they came on us at our work or camp. We had no chance only to die like dogs as we thought the country was woven with police and we might have a chance of fighting them if we had firearms, as it generally takes 40 to one.'.


Const [[McIntyre|McIntyre]] had the impression that it would be difficult to take the '''KellyGang'''-that we would defend ourselves; but not that we would not attack the police. ([[Royal Commission report day 41 page 9|RC14365]])

The rest of the story of this incident is really the story of what happened at [[Stringy Bark Creek|Stringy Bark]] Creek.


== Escape north ==

Tom [[Tom Lloyd Jnr|Lloyd]] met us in the Wombat Ranges after the murders. We decided to make over the Murray into New South Wales to rob the [[Banks- local branch|bank]] at [[Howlong (2)|Howlong]]. We then went home to Greta for a short visit. On the Sunday [[ev78-10--4Mansfield Murders|27/10/1878]] we visited William [[William Tanner|Tanner]] near Greta. He gave us a meal and a change of clothes. Then we travelled through [[Oxley|Oxley]] with 2 pack horses that night. We then dropped into the Pioneer [[Pioneer Brigde hotel|Bridge Hotel]] on the [[Ovens River|Ovens]] River were one of the boys bought a bottle of brandy before the night was over. We also bought several boxes of sardines and some horse feed in [[Everton|Everton]] on the other side of the Ovens River. We then rode off in the direction of Sebastopol.

See also ([[The Complete Inner History of the KellyGang and their Pursuers (22)|JJK]]) ([[The Argus at KellyGang 6/11/1878 (2)|Argus6/11/78]])

By the night of 29/10/1878 we had made the [[Murray Flats|Murray Flats]], west of Wodonga.

On 30/10/[[ev78-10--4Mansfield Murders|1878]] [[Parliament|Parliament]] passed the [[Felons Apprehension Act|Felons]] Apprehension Act. That turned us into outlaws.

See text of the warrant they issued ([[The True of Bushrangers Chapter 6 page 4|CHC]])

The police now had authority to shoot us on sight. They did not need an act of Parliament to do that. We spent the day looking for a good place to cross the River Murray and we travelled further and further west. It had been raining all the way from Stringybark Creek. The punt at [[bungowannah|Bungowannah]] was under water and it could not take us any where. We then visited William [[William Baumgarten|Baumgarten]]'s family home and then spent the night in the nearby logoon in the rain. He was in goal. The River was in flood; instead of crossing we nearly drowned. The police were all around the place. ([[Royal Commission report day 1 page 8|RC54]]) ([[The True of Bushrangers Chapter 6 page 2|CHC]]) ([[The Argus at KellyGang 4/11/1878 (3)|Argus4/11/78]])

The morning of 31/10/1878 blurred into the previous day as we desperately fought to ellude capture and to just stay awake and together

At last we got of the swamps and by the 2/11/1878 we made our way to the [[Aaron Sherritt|Sherritt]]'s. We then headed off for [[Wangaratta|Wangaratta]] and were seen by Mrs [[Daniel Delaney|Delaney]] as we went under the railway bridge in the early morning of 3/11/1878. ([[Royal Commission report day 51 page 12|RC17310]]) ([[Royal Commission report day 51 page 17|RC17415]])

We then went into the [[Wombat ranges|Wombat Ranges]]. We stayed there for a while. We were helped by our cousin Joe [[Joe Ryan|Ryan]].

On 6/11/[[ev78-10--4Mansfield Murders|1878]] the police say we were cited near Sebastopol and this led to the police 'event' called the [[Sebastopol Cavalcade|Sebastopol cavalcade]]. At the other end of our world, Const [[Johnston|Johnson]] picked up our tracks from Joe [[Joe Ryan|Ryan]]'s stockyards on [[ev78-10--4Mansfield Murders|8/11/78]] where we had been a day or so before. We dropped in there to see our friends and get some food. Const Johnson and his party followed us from Joe Ryan's to the [[Warby Ranges|Warby Ranges]] where they lost us. ([[Royal Commission report day 33 page 6|RC12365]]) But on 9/11/1878 Const Johnson's search party followed our tracks to the summit of the Warby Range immediately over the orange grove at [[Brien's orangery|Brien's]] place, where we had camped a few nights before. ([[Royal Commission report day 33 page 7|RC12399]]).

At about this time the police found the police pack horse we had taken from Stringy Bark Creek. ([[Royal Commission report day 18 page 18|RC5756]])

That night we might have been the three men who met the train at [[Glenrowan|Glenrowan]] ([[Royal Commission report day 33 page 10|RC12465]]) On 10/11/78 Const Johnson's search party followed our tracks for about 15 miles on [[Taminick|Taminick]] Station ([[Royal Commission report day 33 page 9|RC12460]]) ([[Royal Commission report day 51 page 10|RC17283]])

The last public sighting of us was as we crossed the railway lines in Glenrowan heading for Greta on [[ev78-10--4Mansfield Murders|11/11/1878]]. ([[The Argus at KellyGang 14/11/1878|Argus14/11/78]]) ([[The Argus at KellyGang 15/11/1878|Argus15/11/78]])

Under the [[Felons Apprehension Act|Felons]] Apprehension Act the next day was the last day we had to give ourselves up. When the [[Governor of Victoria|Governor]] Sir George Fergusion Bowen signed the proclamation on 15/11/1878 we could be shot on sight and anyone who helped us put in goal. We took up residence at [[Emu Station|Emu Station]], just south from [[Kelly Home|Mother]]'s home.

Up to this time the police had only identified Ned Kelly and Dan Kelly. Some thought the the other two might be [[Greta|William King of Greta]], and [[King River|Charles Brown, of King River]]. Their names appeared on some wanted posters. ([[The True of Bushrangers Chapter 6 page 3|CHC]])

On [[ev78-10--4Mansfield Murders|29/11/1878]] [[Nicolson|Nicolson]] sent a telegram warning that we intended to rob a bank in [[Seymour|Seymour]]. ([[Royal Commission report day 13 page 12|RC2925]])

Sadleir set out the route we might have taken from Greta to Seymour. ([[Royal Commission report day 13 page 12|RC2931]])


== Euroa Robbery 10/12/[[ev78-12--2Euroa Robbery|1878]] ==

After a month or so away from the police we decided to get some money. As we sat in our camp and looked at the country the local banks looked very good. Many of friends were in hock to the National Bank and other banks. These thoughts came together in a plan for Euroa. It took a lot of work to bring all the things together. Ned and Joe in particular loved planning these projects. Our plans were confirmed after Joe Byrne's visit to Euroa on 8/12

We headed off to [[Faithfull's Creek (2)|Faithfull]]'s Creek Station on the afternoon of 9/12/78. There we first met the Fitzgerald and Mrs [[Fitzgerald|Fitzgerald]] in stead of the manager Mr [[Macauley|McCauley]]. They have given a good account of our first meeting. We then took all those who came to the station into custody including Mr [[Casement, Henry Dudley, Tennant &amp; McDougall|Casement]] and his party and Mr [[James Gloster|Gloster]], the hawker.

On the afternoon of 11/12/78 Ned and Dan Kelly and Steve Hart went into [[Euroa|Euroa]] and robbed the bank. Mr Gloster's wagon and the new clothes provided good cover against detection from the good people of Euroa. We returned with Mr [[Scott|Scott]] and his family. [[Euroa|Euroa]] and Mr [[Scott|Scott]] give a good account as to what happened and what we did. See also ([[The Argus at KellyGang 12/12/1878|Argus12/12/78]]) ([[The Complete Inner History of the KellyGang and their Pursuers (24)|JJK]])

Soon after we arrived back at Faithfull's Creek Station we had the ladies locked in the homestead and all the rest except Mr [[Macauley|McCauley]] locked in the out buildings. Ned Kelly then told Mr McCauley that he should wait for at least 3 hours before he let the people out or sort any assistance. Of course we had our friends amongst the captives.

See also ([[Sydney Morning Herald (20)|SMH12/12/78]]) ([[The True of Bushrangers Chapter 9 page 5|CHC]])

We left in the direction of Violet Town at about 8pm. The police followed. They crossed the line and re crossed the line, and got on the road running to the Murchison road, to the Strathbogie side of Euroa. They then turned down towards Euroa. Then on to the spur that ran down from the Strathbogie range right down into the road, and the main road was a mile from it, and the paddock rail ran right into this part, leaving the face of the spur the boundary of the road. The tracks led to an open space on the right hand side, and then going towards the gate leading into a paddock alongside the railway. In the centre of the paddock these traces were lost. All this time the police were in sight of Euroa

Description of the horses we used ([[The Argus at KellyGang 12/12/1878 (4)|Argus12/12/78]]) and us ([[The Argus at KellyGang 12/12/1878 (10)|Argus12/12/78]])

Later the police were pretty sure that we had gone north towards [[Myrtleford|Murchison]]- due north.([[Royal Commission report day 2 page 16|RC551]])

The police heard that we were near [[Greta|Greta]] on the 6 and [[ev78-12--2Euroa Robbery|7/1/1879]], ([[Royal Commission report day 11 page 4|RC2030]]) and then at lots of other places ([[The Argus at KellyGang 17/12/1878 (2)|Argus17/12/78]])

We recieved some very bad press ([[The Argus at KellyGang 16/12/1878|Argus16/12/78]])


== Jerilderie Robbery 10/2/[[events79-2_4Jerilderie Robbery|1879]] ==

Our suggested route to Jerilderie ([[The Argus at KellyGang 7/1/1879 (2)|Argus7/1/79]]) ([[The Ovens and Murray Advertiser 13/2/1879 (2)|OMA13/2/1879]]) ([[The Complete Inner History of the KellyGang and their Pursuers (37)|JJK]])

It seems clear that the '''KellyGang''' had a lot of help at Jerilderie. One of those who were asked to come along was Aaron [[Aaron Sherritt|Sherritt]] ([[Royal Commission report day 37 page 15|RC13296]]) ([[The Last of the Bushrangers Chapter 7 page 2|FH]])

Tom [[Tom Lloyd Jnr|Lloyd]] said that the '''KellyGang''' crossed the River [[Murray River at Kellygang|Murray]] on their way to Jerilderie at [[Burramine|Burramine]]. They apparently used the publican's punt.

Please see Dan [[Dan Kelly|Kelly]] for the story of the '''KellyGang''' in [[Jerilderie|Jerilderie]]. On the way home they dropped into to see [[Wunnamurra at kellyGang|Wunnamurra]].

On Wednesday 12/2/[[events79-2_4Jerilderie Robbery|1879]] Dan Kelly came to Mrs [[Mrs Margaret Byrne|Byrne]]'s place to see what had happened to the other members of the '''KellyGang''' . It seems that they had split up after Jerilderie and some of them had missed a meeting. Det [[Ward|Ward]] found out about this meeting. .([[Royal Commission report day 6 page 4|RC1276]])

See also ([[The Argus at KellyGang 12/2/1879 (3)|Argus12/2/79]])

Sup [[Hare|Hare]] thought he saw our camp fire in the distance on the night of 16/2/1879 on his way from near [[EI Dorado|El Dorardo]] to Mrs Byrne's place ([[Royal Commission report day 6 page 4|RC1279]])

A bit after this Sup [[Hare|Hare]] and Det [[Ward|Ward]] up a permanent watch party to lookout for us if we visited Mrs Byrne. After a time she became convinced that [[Aaron Sherritt|Aaron]] Sherritt was helping the police.

In about mid April Sup Hare thought he was on to us in the Warby Ranges. What were we doing with the rocks on the top pf the hills?([[Royal Commission report day 6 page 8|RC1290]])

The Royal Commission asked Standish, speaking of the period from the Euroa robbery until June 1879 while [[Standish|Standish]] and [[Hare|Hare]] were in command, &quot;Did you ever come within sight of the Kellys?&quot; Standish had to answer, &quot;No.&quot; ([[Royal Commission report day 47 page 2|RC15979]])

Two of the '''KellyGang''' were seen near [[Chiltern|Chiltern]] ([[Royal Commission report day 11 page 4|RC2035]])

Where were we; press reports ([[The Ovens and Murray Advertiser 13/3/1879|OMA13/3/79]]); on Gunbower Island ([[The Argus at KellyGang 15/7/1879|Argus15/7/79]])

Some chaps were working our gold in the Wombat Ranges, German Creek.([[The Argus at KellyGang 8/4/1879|Argus8/4/79]])

Some people think that our life is romantic. Please spend a few moments reading about the selectors and how they lived. They were our sympathisers. ([[The Argus at KellyGang 27/4/1880|Argus27/4/80]]) see also ([[The Alexandra and Yea Standard, Gobur, Thornton and Acheron Express at KellyGang 15/2/1879|Alexandra15/2/1879]])


== Later in 1879 ==

Where we in the Puzzel Ranges ([[The Argus at KellyGang 6/6/1879|Argus6/6/79]])

During this period there was great speculation as to what we were doing. The banks were protected behind the Army and we were always subject to being found by the trackers. Some saw us as living the high life in some other part of Australia. The reality was less romantic. We were supported by our sisters, [[Margaret Skillion|Maggie]] and [[Kate Kelly|Kate]] in the country near home. They did a lot of cooking and baked us great bread so that we did not need to light a fire. They also risked their lives and the future of our young brothers and sisters as they rode through the police who tried to follow. We stayed around the place. See also ([[The Argus at KellyGang 6/8/1880|Argus6/8/80]])

Maggie Skillion and Tom Lloyd went to Melbourne to buy ammunition for us.([[The Argus at KellyGang 18/6/1879|Argus18/6/79]]) ([[The Argus at KellyGang 20/6/1879|Argus20/6/79]])([[The Argus at KellyGang 21/6/1879|Argus21/6/79]])

We had some good fun with Aaron [[Aaron Sherritt|Sherritt]], Sup Hare and the rest of the police at the [[Whorouly|Whorouly]] races. ([[The Last of the Bushrangers Chapter 8 page 5|FH]])

[[Graves|Graves]] believed that the principal time that the '''we''' were out we kept in the immediate neighborhood between [[Greta|Greta]] and [[Moyhu|Moyhu]]. Either at [[Glenmore Run|Glenmore]] Station, or on the [[Hedi|Hedi]]. There were always strange horses whenever he went up, or marks of strange horse in paddocks. It was his impression that they were in the district the whole time. ([[Royal Commission report day 45 page 12|RC15507]])

The KellyGang used a small two-roomed weatherboard building in the middle of the swamp.([[Cookson, 13_09_1911_3|BWC]])

During a search party with [[Hare|Hare]], [[Const Faulkiner|Faulkiner]] [[Const William Canny|Canny]] and [[Const Lawless|Lawless]], they found three or four saddles hanging up at a place near the Lloyd's home that had been recently used. Faulkiner noticed they had surcingles made by a saddler at Wangaratta. The person who occupied the place was a man with one hand, a bachelor.. When we were captured, and the horses and saddles brought to Benalla, Const Faulkiner identified those saddles as the ones he had seen.([[Royal Commission report day 18 page 2|RC5327]])

Sympathizers left newspapers around the place for us to keep up to date ([[The Last of the Bushrangers Chapter 9 page 3|FH]])

Joe's [[Mrs Margaret Byrne|mother]] also gave us wonderful support. We had a way over the old gold workings to her place which meant that we could get there without being seen by the police.

While this support was great we could not live off our families all the time. There are reports that we had gone back to the old business of gold mining up in the area near the intersection of the roads linking [[Beechworth|Beechworth]], [[Chiltern|Chiltern]], [[Kiewa|Kiewa]] and [[Yackandandah|Yackandandah]]. We were also reported to have visited people around Chiltern and at various other places.

We were apparently seen at Richardson's shanty, on the [[Chiltern|Chiltern]] and Wodonga road in mid August.

At about that time there were reports that we decided not try the [[Oxley|Oxley]] bank as there is too many police there- two troopers every morning when the bank opens; and another drawback, the ground is too soft. We were are not going to do anything until the ground gets harder; they are frightened of the '[[Police Trackers|black boys']]. ([[Royal Commission report day 42 page 12|RC14791]])

By late 79 there was a lot of pressure on us. We read of the fate of the bank robbers at Lancefield ([[The Argus at KellyGang 16/8/1879|Argus16/8/79]]), the incident with Const Monks ([[The Argus at KellyGang 4/10/1879|Argus4/10/79]]), and the end of Captain Moonlite ([[The Argus at KellyGang 19/11/1879|Argus19/11/79]]). we read about these events and they all increased the pressure we were under. Money had been taken out of the counrty banks and sent to Melbourne and of course the trackers were a constant threat for us to deal with. See ([[The Argus at KellyGang 28/11/1879|Argus28/11/79]])

There were reports that we were being supplied by a [[Chinese|Chinese]] store keeper at [[Buckland|Buckland]] Flat. ([[Royal Commission report Appendix 15|RCApp15]])

The police had a report from one of their spies that we were seen near [[Oxley|Oxley]] with Tom [[Tom Lloyd Jnr|Lloyd]] on about [[events 1879-08/ 1879-10|28/9/1879]].([[Royal Commission day 1 report page 9|RC63]]) ([[Royal Commission evidence day 5 page 1|RC1109]])

On [[events 1879-11/ 1879-12|13/11/1879]] Dan visited Mrs [[Anne and John Sherritt Snr|Sherritt's]] home during the day. We then came about 8pm that night.([[Royal Commission report day 44 page 3|RC15266]])

We were in the north east ([[The Argus at KellyGang 12/11/1879|Argus12/11/79]])

We were blamed for everything ([[The Argus at KellyGang 19/11/1879 (8)|Argus19/11/79]])


== Early in 1880 ==

The Royal Commission found that in the autumn of 1880 we were usually in the vicinity of the [[Greta Swamp|Greta Swamp]], from which we moved back to the ranges, get across the [[Ovens River|Ovens River]] towards [[Sebastopol|Sebastopol]], and from thence to the Pilot Range, near [[Wodonga (2)|Wodonga]]. They also said that we were obliged to travel on foot, and their immediate assistants were reduced to four. ([[Royal Commission second Report Part XIII ( page 19)|RC2ndreportXIII]]) See also ([[Cookson, 13_09_1911_4|BWC]])

In early [[events 1880-1/ 1880-3|March]] [[Jacob Wilson|Wilson]] found some hobbles with some sort of a cloth that still had some provisions in. in a high bank of ferns in Patterson's paddock on [[Kilfera|Kilfera]] is right next to [[Tom Lloyd Jnr|Tom Lloyd's]] place. There were also some newspapers and sadine tins. He thought that he had found our camp. ([[Royal Commission report day 16 page 10|RC4469]])

There was a big bush of ferns in the side of the creek, and there were logs and very high ferns. ([[Royal Commission report day 16 page 11|RC4513]])

On [[events 1880-4/ 1880-6|17/5/1880]] Det [[Ward|Ward]] a report from Mrs. [[Anne and John Sherritt Snr|Sherritt]]? stating that Mrs. Byrne had written to - , a girl of about seventeen, a [[Anne and John Sherritt Snr|daughter of Mrs]]. -, who has been my agent right through the time of the cave party in communicating with Mrs.-, going to her house and bringing the news back to me. The letter from Mrs. Byrne said she wanted to see -, the business was to know if we (meaning Dan or Joe) would call, to be careful not to let us stay long, as she believed that [[Aaron Sherritt|Aaron]] was working for the police; that we called about a week previous, near Chiltern, at &quot;[[Lord Byron's Shanty|Lord Byron]]'s&quot;; that we were miserable and ragged, and in want of food, and we took a lot of food from &quot;Byron's&quot; with us. ([[Royal Commission report day 38 page 7|RC13858]])

See how we moved about the country. ([[Royal Commission report day 3 page 7|RC758]])

Location of our camp site was in [[Jacob Wilson|Wilson]]'s paddock or in some gully between the [[Greta Swamp|Greta Swamp]], Mrs. [[Margaret Skillion|Skillian]]'s, and Tom [[Tom Lloyd Jnr|Lloyd]]'s, or the Quarryhole ([[Royal Commission report day 3 page 7|RC762]])

We had a tent about four feet high with them to cover them in bad weather. ([[Royal Commission report day 3 page 8|RC773]])

One of Mrs [[Anne and John Sherritt Snr|Sherritt]] daughters saw us on one of their visits to Mrs [[Mrs Margaret Byrne|Byrne]]'s place to get some supplies about a month or so before Aaron's death. This is what Mrs Sherritt told the Royal Commission about what her daughter saw

<blockquote>'..and who should come up but [[Joe Byrne|Joe Byrne]], leading a horse, and [[Dan Kelly|Dan Kelly]]. Each of them was leading one and riding another. Mrs. Byrne then came out-there was a whistle-it is a very thick scrubby place, and after a little bit [[Ned Kelly|Ned Kelly]] and [[Steve Hart|Hart]] came on foot, from the back of the place like, and those two came up the front of the house like, so, and got their provisions. There was some bread and I think it was boiled bacon, and then Patsy [[Patrick Byrne|Byrne]] went up the [[Woolshed|Woolshed]] and he brought down something in a bottle and gave it to them, and Patsy -Joe Byrne's brother-said, &quot;Which way did you come?&quot; and Joe says, &quot;The way we always come. We came down the steepest part of Wall's Gully.&quot;'([[Royal Commission report day 37 page 11|RC13207]])


Soon before he died Aaron [[Aaron Sherritt|Sherritt]] told one of the police that we were in the ranges between the Rose River and [[Gippsland|Gippsland]], and there was a fifth man, unknown to the police, supplying us with provisions. We may come round near his place once in three months, or we may not come. He also said that he have seen or known nothing of us since we passed on the way to Jerilderie. He was talking to Joe Byrne and Steve Hart then. Did we ever trust him after he refused to with us go to Jerilderie. ([[Royal Commission report day 32 page 8|RC12200]])

By this time we had to decide whether we would just fade away or not ([[The Complete Inner History of the KellyGang and their Pursuers (55)|JJK]])


== Death of Aaron Sherritt 26/6/1880 ==

'''The Big Plan'''

The Royal Commission summarised our plan and what happened. Their report opens with the following:-

&quot;The murder of Aaron Sherritt was designed as the prelude to the terrible tragedy by means of which the outlaws intended, as they had previously boasted, to astonish not only the Australian colonies but the whole world. It seems manifest that they had carefully thought out and matured their plan of operations. They proposed in the first place to shoot Aaron Sherritt. By this they rightly conjectured that they would, not only have wreaked their vengeance upon one who had betrayed them to the police, but would induce the authorities to despatch on the following day - Sunday - when there was no ordinary traffic on the line, a special train to Beechworth with the Queensland trackers and a large body of police. Next, it was determined to wreck this special train, and shoot any constable who might escape the effects of the disaster. Finally, the coast having been thus cleared, the gang were to proceed at once to Benalla or one of the townships in the district, rob one of the banks, and with the spoil retrace their steps to their previous haunts in the ranges. By one of those unforeseen accidents which often defeat the best laid schemes, execution of the latter portion of their programme was frustrated, and their career suddenly brought to a close. &quot; ([[Royal Commission second Report (page 2)|RC2ndreport]])

'''Death of Aaron Sherritt'''

Joe Byrne and Dan Kelly went to see Aaron [[Aaron Sherritt|Sherritt]] at about 6.30pm on [[ev80-06-28Glenrowan|26/6/1880]]. [[Joe Byrne|Joe]] can perhaps best tell this story. See also ([[The Last of the Bushrangers Chapter 10 page 4|FH]]) ([[The Complete Inner History of the KellyGang and their Pursuers (57)|JJK]])

How big was the '''KellyGang''' at this time? Extra members ([[Royal Commission report day 32 page 6|RC12163]])


== Glenrowan Siege 28/6/1880 ==

'''Arrival at Glenrowan'''

Ned Kelly and Steve Hart arrived in Glenrowan at about [[ev80-06-28Glenrowan|10pm on 26/6/1880.]] The first task was to break up the railway line.([[The Argus (7)|Argus29/6/80]]) ([[The Complete Inner History of the KellyGang and their Pursuers (62)|JJK]])

At about 3am on [[ev80-06-28Glenrowan|27/6/1880]] we, that is Ned Kelly and and Steve Hart woke up Mr [[Stanistreet (2)|Stanistreet]] the station master. We wanted to take up part of the railway line.

We started taking people into [[Jones' Glenrowan Inn|Jone's Glenrowan Inn]] on the morning of 27/6/1880

Mrs Jones daughter had to cook breakfast for us ([[Cookson, 02_09_1911_1|BWC]])

Three of the '''KellyGang'''-Ned, Dan, and Byrne danced, and Mrs. Jones and her daughter, and three or four others. ([[Royal Commission report day 20 page 9|RC7624]])

Mrs Jones thinks we were drunk ([[Cookson, 02_09_1911_2|BWC]])

'''The siege in Jones's Inn'''

We started to put our [[Kelly's Armour|armour]] on when we heard the train arrive. See also ([[Cookson, 02_09_1911_2|BWC]])

We were ready for the police on the verandah of Jones's Inn. Many say we fired the first shot. ([[Royal Commission report day 30 page 2|RC11578]])

&quot;Come on, you dogs; you cannot hurt us.&quot;([[Royal Commission report day 22 page 6|RC8087]]) See also ([[The Argus (4)|Argus29/6/80]]) ([[The Age (3)|Age]]) ([[Royal Commission report day 26 page 13|RC10311]]) ([[The Last of the Bushrangers Chapter 11 page 1|FH]])

Const [[Gascoigne|Gascoigne]] said, 'I then saw the flash of a rifle. The man who fired the first shot was standing about 10 yards&quot; from the corner of the hotel. The report of his rifle had not died away when I saw a row of flashes come from under the verandah of the hotel; the police quickly returned the fire. ... The moon at this time was shining from the back of the hotel, and full on the police, the outlaws being in the dark shade, under the verandah. ([[Royal Commission report day 25 page 6|RC9674]])

By about 6.30am the police knew that we had armour on. They also decided to shoot our horses to prevent any escape. ([[Royal Commission report day 24 page 11|RC9428]])

'''The capture of Ned Kelly'''

When [[Ned Kelly|Ned Kelly]] was captured we fired shots at the police. In fact the shots stripped the leaves off the bush close to where the police were assisting Ned over the railway fence. ([[Royal Commission report day 26 page 17|RC10369]])

From the Wangarratta side of Glenrowan our supporters fired a final salute at about 8am ([[The Melbourne Daily Telegragh (2)|DailyTelegraph29/6/80]])

Occasionally people could see the flash of a gun from the hotel, and it was generally followed by two or three shots from the police. The police fired about three shots for every shot fired by us. We had taken up a position in a room at the back of the Inn, from the door of which we fired through the windows-that is some considerable distance from the windows. ([[Royal Commission report day 26 page 17|RC10374]])

'''Death and burning of Jones's Inn'''

See Steve [[Steve Hart|Hart]] for details of the burning of Jones's Inn.


On 29/6/80 Det [[Ward|Ward]] discovered five of our horses stabled at [[McDonnell's Railway Taven|McDonnell]]'s Railway Hotel. The police found where all the horses came from and the owners were listed. ([[The Argus (14)|Argus30]]/6/80) ([[Sydney Morning Herald (33)|SMH30/6/80]]) ([[Ovens and Murray Advertiser at KellyGang 24/7/1880 (14)|OMA24/7/1880]])

Mr [[Stanistreet (2)|Stanistreet family]] found an oil can containing 45lb of blasting powder concealed behind a log in the vicinity of M'Donnell's Hotel. Previous to this a quantity of fuse was found in swags carried by the pack horses left by the gang at M’Donnell’s Hotel ([[The Argus at KellyGang 3/7/80|Argus3/7/80]]) ([[The Age (23)|Herald3/7/80]])


== After the Seige ==

They cast lots for our possessions; not the important things, just the bits and pieces ([[The Argus at KellyGang 9/11/1880|Argus11/9/80]])

'''The Trial of Ned Kelly'''

The [[Ned Kellys Trial|Committal and Trial]] of Ned Kelly was a sham, they wanted to hang him.

'''Royal Commission'''

At the Royal Commission they produced a list of possible citings of us. Our friends were always loyal ([[Royal Commission report Appendix 5|RCApp5]]) ([[Royal Commission report day 12 page 11|RC2464]])


[[Category:Things]] [[Category:Kelly things]] [[Category:Joe Byrne]] [[Category:Dan Kelly]] [[Category:Steve Hart]] [[Category:Kelly Gang]] [[Category:Euroa]] [[Category:Jerilderie]] [[Category:Stringy Bark Creek]] [[Category:Fitzpatrick incident]] [[Category:Glenrowan]] [[Category:Victoian history]] [[Category:history]]


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