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They are all poor men. who, have thrown months and, months of labor and time away without any return, still their cry, is "Persevere," although many of them have reduced themselves to comparative poverty, they still "work and hope." I only trust their efforts may be crowned with success, for it is to such legitimate miners as these that "Victoria owes a debt of, gratitude" for the proud position she holds this day as the wealthiest gold-mining country in the world.

Our enterprising and, worthy townsman, Mr R W Blythman, has just put on a number of men to prove a reef known as the Trust in Providence, some time abandoned. Should a crushing prove payable, it will at once cause a rush on the Fountain Head line of reef. The same energetic gentleman is now in Melbourne negotiating for a plant of machinery, to be erected on the celebrated. Brilliant reef, Middle Creek. Mr Edward Day, after a sojourn at Growler's, has succeeded in forming a strong party for the prospecting of the reefs at the head of Nuggetty Gully. I have no doubt he will find payable results.

Mr Joseph Gundry, manager of the Working Miners, having now become a Benedict, has erected, a substantial and pretty cottage, in the most fashionable part of our suburbs, which is a proof of his becoming, a permanent resident of our town.

The Union Bank, under the able management of Mr G N Nankivell, was very busy last Wednesday. Happening to be there on business, I found the Bank crowded, and a magnificent parcel of gold being, in the scales at the time, made me think that Godfrey's Creek was still in a flourishing condition, although trade of every description is dull, but I say cheer up, for “there's a good time coming."- Uncle, we must have a Police Court, and no more humbugging. You must wield your mighty pen in our behalf. We must agitate, hold public meetings, worry the Minister of Justice (or injustice) with a deputation. Undoubtedly it is wanted for, our social good, also for our moral good, to stop the distrusting and obscene language that often takes place in our principal street. It is wanted also to protect our trading community from the "Jeremy Diddler" class, now so prevalent on our goldfields. Also a Warden's Court for our mining community.

The people of Alexandra mist help us-" Unity is strength." Let them send round the calumet of peace," and unite the two tribes. The benefit will be mutual, Give us a local Court, and we will throw our vote into the scale for a County Court and Court of General Sessions at Alexandra, also support their hospital, which, I hear, is nearly completed.

Uncle, I have spoken. I must now tell you why I undertook to write this letter. My wife reminded me last Sunday that I wanted a new hat, as the old one is rather seedy, but l have a penchant for old things, old faces, old places, with old times, but an old hat a la Bindon always fits so well, and is good tempered. However, I answered my better half with the old phrase, "I can't afford it.". Her reply was, "Rouse yourself. I heard your Uncle chiding you for your neglect and indolence in not corresponding with him, and being an ungrateful nephew." This sounded harshly in my ears. Up I sprang with the words, "I'll write to Uncle. to-night." The better-half replied, "Keep to that resolution, and you will easily win a new hat." I must apologise for taking up so much of your valuable space, and beg to subscribe myself Your affectionate Nephew. ST. EDIMUNDS.

PS - Candidates for local Parliament will be sure of being returned at the head of the poll if they secure my services, before 12pm on Saturday next, as I am afterwards engaged and always vote for payment of members ST. E.

Alexandra Times


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