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The largest bridge is one of three openings of 30ft. each over the One Mile Creek, close to Wangaratta, and there are some others rather smaller. On the other portion of the section, from Wangaratta to Wodonga, a distance of about 42 miles, there are, however, some works of considerable magnitude. Just outside Wangaratta a large iron bridge has to be erected over the Ovens River . With the exception of the bridge over the Broken River, this is the largest work of the kind on the whole line. There are thirteen openings of 40ft each, and one of 120ft. over the middle of the stream. The girders are being manufactured at Langlands' Foundry. This bridge will probably be some time before it is completed, but in the meantime a temporary wooden bridge has been erected.

The low swampy ground on the other side of the river known as the Ovens Flats necessitates the line being carried for a distance of 128 yards on a number of arches. There will be 19 openings of 40ft., and 21 openings of 20ft. Beyond those referred to there are not any very heavy works even on the remainder of the section, and it is confidently anticipated that, at any rate by the end of the year, the North Eastern line will be opened from end to end. It is estimated, indeed, that the line will be ready to be opened by the end of next month.

There are no very steep gradients, as the line is made to skirt the foot of the ranges. The greater portion of this section is, of course, already constructed, but there are a few breaks in the line, which require to be bridged over. Work has been carried on at the same time from both ends of the section, and there is therefore only the intervening gap and a few of the larger works remaining to be completed.

The contractors for the third section from Benalla to Wodonga, a distance of 66 miles, are Messrs Cain, Dalrymple, and Holton. The amount of the contract was £350,100. The contract was signed on the 28th December, 1871, so that the construction of this section has extended over nearly two years, The time of limitation has long since expired, the date fixed for the completion of the section being the 31st of May last. Owing, however, to unfavourable weather and to the difficulty experienced in the transport of materials, and to other causes, an unavoidable delay occurred. None of the sections have, in fact, been completed within the contract time.

The total length of the North-Eastern line from Melbourne to Wodonga is 187 miles, or over 30 miles longer than the main line to Echuca, The line was commenced in June, 1870. The first section was from Melbourne to Seymour , 61¼ miles. The contractors were Messrs. O'Grady, Leggatt, and Noonan, and the contract price was £305,558. The second section was from Seymour to Benalla, 60¼; miles, and the contract price was £314,991. The returns from the North-Eastern line, so far as it has been opened, have very considerably exceeded the estimates of the department, and they are increasing in a very satisfactory manner. Mr R Watson is the resident engineer, under Mr Higginbotham, for the whole line, and Mr Lunt is the district engineer, under whose superintendence this particular portion of the line has been constructed.


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