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Alexandra Times at KellyGang 29/11/1875

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'''Full text of article'''


(From Our Own Correspondent)

A public meeting was held on the 10th inst., at '''Bunney's hotel''', for the purpose of taking into consideration and adopting the best means to enable the herdsman to carry our the Beechworth by-laws as applied to the [[Gobur|Gobur]] Common. The meeting was numerously attended. Mr S Ayres was unanimously voted to the chair.

The Chairman said he might briefly state that the object of the meeting was to lay before the meeting certain irregularities that appeared to exist under the present management.

Mr '''John Coghill''' said he was the herdsman for the Gobur Goldfields Common, and when he took office he fully intended to carry out the by-laws in their integrity without fear or favor. If he were not allowed to do so, it would be far better for him to resign his position. As a farmer and owner of cattle he was fully alive to the importance of the by-laws being carried out in a proper manner and without any undue interference or unlawful interdictions on the part ,of the manager, as had been the case since his appointment.

At this juncture Mr '''Callaghan''' was called for, but not being in the room he was waited upon and requested to attend the meeting. This he refused to do, but expressed himself as willing to resign when another person could be obtained to fill his place.

'''Baron Heir Von Oscar Wedel''' said that hie fully concurred with the last speaker, and was of opinion that the common was not properly conducted by the present management. He was glad to find that two other managers were about to be appointed. He was the owner of cattle himself - (a voice - "Small cattle," laughter). He considered that a very important remark, and might suggest that the speaker be appointed herdsman over the cattle that he alluded to. The speaker continued – He would like to see the by-laws properly carried out. He did not approve of the manager's interdicting any lawful act of the herdsman's. If he did so then there was an end to the intentions of the by-laws. There were many irregularities in connection with the present management which might be cited, but he would not occupy the time of the meeting much longer. He begged to propose-"That Mr Callaghan is not a fit and proper person to act as manager of the Gobur goldfields common."

Mr '''Cock''' seconded that proposition, and expressed his disapproval at the ungracious and disrespectful conduct of Mr Callaghan in not appearing at that meeting as requested.

The resolution was put to the meeting anti carried.

Mr Bunney had not a great deal to say on that occasion, but he confessed that in justice to the ratepayers and all interested the by laws should be properly carried out.

He would propose- "That it is to the interest of the Gobur district that the Beechworth by-laws in connection with the Gobur common be carried out in their entirety."

Mr Cook seconded the proposition, which was put to the meeting and carried.

Mr Cook remarked that it appeared to him that the manager could run any number of cattle on the common without playing for half of them, besides interfering with the lawful duties of the herdsman, who was about as energetic a man as they could get. (A voice "Well done, old Cock." Mr Cock said he might remind the gentleman who had made that remark that although he was old he was ccok of the walk.

Mr '''Palmer''' proposed, and Mr '''McDonald''' seconded – “That in the opinion of this meeting the herdsman, Mr Coghill, has since his appointment carried out the duties of his office with credit to himself and satisfaction to the public."

The resolution was put to the meeting and carried unanimously, and Mr Coghlill thanked the meeting for their expression of confidence.

After a vote of thanks to the Chairman, the meeting terminated.

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[[Alexandra Times at KellyGang 29/11/1875|Next edition]]


[[Category:1870s]] [[Category:November 1875]] [[Category:Alexandra Times]] [[Category:Newspaper]] [[Category:press report]] [[Category:1875]] [[Category:Gobur]] [[Category:Baron Heir Von Oscar Wedel]] [[Category:gold]] [[Category:history]]


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