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The Argus at KellyGang 30/10/1878 (4)

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[[The Argus at KellyGang 30/10/1878 (3)|see previous]]

On Monday morning, the search party examined the scrub for a half-mile round the camp, but saw no traces of [[Kennedy Sgt|Kennedy]]. They gave one “cooey,” but received no answer. The account given by McIntyre of the manner of his escape from the camp is not at all clear. Probably the men had emptied all their guns and the two revolvers at the moment he jumped on the horse. They had weapons enough, however, to fire 18 shots one after the other. The ''post-mortem'' shows that both troopers were riddled by shots from Edward Kelly’s rifle. Two bullets and one slug were extracted from the bodies. Kelly turned with a grin on his face to McIntyre when he shot Scanlan, and said, “What a fool he was to run.” The police have their suspicions as to who the two strange men are, but do not like to name them. Edward Kelly was the only good shot in the party.

On Sunday, the townspeople were somewhat apprehensive of a visit from the bushrangers. They had only one constable, and no weapons to rely on. The reported loss of Constable Meehan, on the way to Benalla, strengthened the fears which were entertained, but no one now expects to hear of any robberies. The Kellys can get plenty of assistance in the mountains. They have so many connexions round about Mansfield , that actually some people are afraid to speak of the recent murders except to assured friends.

The deceased constables were buried today, at 2 o’clock . Father Scanlan, of Benalla and Mansfield, has already set to work to get a memorial stone erected over the graves.


Mr Tomkins, president of the shire, and one of the members of the search party, has just returned to Mansfield . He reports that they carefully examined the ground all round the camp up and down the creek, and went several miles in the direction of the King River, but found no traces of [[Kennedy Sgt|Kennedy]]. The ranges were very difficult to explore on account of the thickness of the scrub and the steepness of the slopes. The party are confident that the Kelly’s have gone off to the King, and taken Kennedy with them, but the tracks of the four horses could only be followed a short distance from the camp. The route taken by McIntyre in his flight was crossed, and it was plain that he had not been pursued. The police and the other members of the party returned to [[Wombat ranges|Monk’s]] Sawmill, about eight miles from here, for the night. Though the party believed the Kelly’s had gone, they did not like to camp out all night. To-morrow, when the re inforcements arrive a fresh start will be made. One of the search party was Father Kennedy, of [[Benalla|Benalla]], who drove hither yesterday with Father [[Benalla|Scanlan]]. The two priests started from Benalla on purpose to render help to any wounded men they might fall in with, and were provided with medical appliances. Father Scanlan stayed in Mansfield and conducted the funerals. Superintendent [[Sadleir|Sadleir]] arrived from Benalla at 10 o’clock , and reported that the troopers from Melbourne were on the road; they missed the train yesterday.

The widow of [[Lonigan|Lonergon]] came here to-day, in great distress. The family have been left almost helpless. Lonergon, when he took farewell of his friends at Violet Town , said he did not expect to come back alive, but was resolved to go where-ever he was ordered. The short exploration made by the search party enabled them to say that McIntyre’s escape was miraculous, for he seems to have galloped recklessly down the creek. It is expected that his horse will be found. The wombat hole in which he hid was a mile from the place where he unsaddled his horse.

'''[[The Argus at KellyGang 30/10/1878 (5)|continued]]'''

, . '''[[The Argus at KellyGang 30/10/1878|1.]] , [[The Argus at KellyGang 30/10/1878 (2)|.2.]] , [[The Argus at KellyGang 30/10/1878 (3)|.3.]] , .4. , [[The Argus at KellyGang 30/10/1878 (5)|.5.]] ,'''


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[[The Argus at KellyGang 29/10/1878|Previous edition]] [[The Argus at KellyGang 31/10/1878|Next edition]]


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