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The Argus at KellyGang 1/5/1872

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A &quot;strange police case&quot; is referred to as follows by the ''Wangaratta Dispatch'':- &quot;Last week a person named Henry Lake was brought up at the Wangaratta Police Court charged with shooting at one [[Bill Frost|William Frost]], with intent to murder him. The circumstances of the case were as follow:- Two years ago Frost was engaged by Mr Hector Norman Simson to put up some fencing at Meadow Creek, near Benalla, Frost accordingly engaged some men for the job, and went out in the morning with them to the spot. On the way some words passed between him and one of the men, and when they arrived at the place, the latter sat down on the ground, deliberately took out an old horse pistol from his pocket, and fired at Frost's head. The bullet struck the cheek bone and fractured it, and the unfortunate man was taken up for dead, and conveyed to the Beechworth Hospital , where the wound was carefully attended to, and he recovered. The intending murderer managed to escape, and a warrant was taken out against him. A few days ago a respectable looking man, answering to the name of Henry Lake, was arrested in New South Wales , and remanded to Wangaratta on the charge of shooting with intent to murder. On being placed opposite the prosecutor the latter at once said that it was not the right man, and not at all like him, and he was discharged. It can scarcely be very satisfactory for any respectable man to be arrested on a serious charge, and after being forwarded by the police to another colony, to be told that he may go free as he is not at all like the real criminal.&quot;
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