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Royal Commission report day 14 page 13

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Story of the KellyGang - the Royal Commission evidence

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== The Royal Commission evidence for 3/5/1881 ==


=== full text ===

(see also introduction to [[Royal Commission report 3/5/1881|day 14]])

'''Inspector [[Insp Wliiam Montfort|Montfort]]''' '''giving evidence'''

<span id="rc3279">[[#rc3279|3279]]</span> That being so, what rule is adopted by the officer so inspecting to detect any remissness in the performance of the [[Police Organisation|duties]] of the man in charge?— It depends on the individual officer. I can only tell what I do

<span id="rc3280">[[#rc3280|3280]]</span> He reports on every thing connected with the station; is there a general revision of the daily duties performed by the men since last visit?— He has an occurrence-book.

<span id="rc3281">[[#rc3281|3281]]</span> The constable keeps a journal?— A diary.

<span id="rc3282">[[#rc3282|3282]]</span> And the inspection is something after the manner of this—every station is inspected, and everything about it, the buildings, the cleanly appearance; whether the horses had been worked; where the men have been, and everything of that sort?— Yes.

3283 In this case you have alluded to, where the horse was suspiciously fat, that led up to the impression that the man himself had not worked?— Yes.

<span id="rc3284">[[#rc3284|3284]]</span> What test would you have of that fact by reference to his diary—would that show the daily work he had performed?— I cross-examined him on his diary, when I found that, and he could not answer me, and then I concluded that he was telling an untruth, and that he did not go out on bush patrol, and his stating that was to prevent the testing of the entry. He did not say where; therefore we have no means of finding it out.

<span id="rc3285">[[#rc3285|3285]]</span> The unsuitability of this man was a want in the knowledge of the country, and not knowing the criminal class?— Want of knowledge of the criminal classes and of the country, and want of inclination on this man's part to learn anything.

3286 Does not the efficiency of the test depend on the individual officer himself—you have power to visit night and day?— Yes.

3287 Do the officers go at night?— No, I do not remember ever going to the out-stations at night on purpose.

<span id="rc3288">[[#rc3288|3288]]</span> Do the officers of the force visit stations at irregular times for the purpose of testing the efficiency of the men?— I never remember any officer doing that but one. It was Superintendent McCulloch. He used to visit them at all times of the night.

<span id="rc3289">[[#rc3289|3289]]</span> Is it usual in other countries?— Yes, in Ireland .

3290 At all hours, day and night?— Yes.

3291 To see the efficiency of the men?— Yes.

3292 Were you in the Irish police?— No, my father was.

3293 You got promoted to the position of officer?— Yes.

<span id="rc3294">[[#rc3294|3294]]</span> It was stated in evidence that the efficiency of the police, I think, would he materially increased if young officers from the cadet rank entered into the police force—is that your opinion?— I think it would be quite impossible in this country.

3295 Why?— Because the general feeling in the police force would be so much against it.

<span id="rc3296">[[#rc3296|3296]]</span> Against what?— Against promoting men outside the force. It has been always an understood thing since 1854 that promotion would go from service in the ranks; and it would go far to demoralize it, if such a proposal got wind.

3297 Can you speak from memory as to the age of the youngest officer promoted as an inspector in this force?— I think I was the youngest myself.

<span id="rc3298">[[#rc3298|3298]]</span> How old were you?— Forty.

<span id="rc3299">[[#rc3299|3299]]</span> Is it your opinion that it would be against the feeling of the force—do you yourself consider the efficiency of the service would be increased by young officers being brought into the service or younger; men promoted from the ranks?— All things being equal, a younger man is better than an old.

3300 With regard to police service?— Yes.

3301 Why?— He is supposed to have more energy as a rule. I said all things being equal, but of course I might find an old man who would have a great deal more energy than a young man.

<span id="rc3302">[[#rc3302|3302]]</span> How large are the districts those officers have control over, if you are sent to the country districts?— The North-Eastern district?

<span id="rc3303">[[#rc3303|3303]]</span> Yes?— It is a very large size; ninety miles north of [[Yarrawonga|Yackandandah]] is one station I believe, and there are other stations, such as Snowy Creek; and the southern station is Longwood.

<span id="rc3304">[[#rc3304|3304]]</span> Does that entail a great deal of horse work?— There is a great deal of work done by railway now, but it is all horse work north of Beechworth.....

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