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They wanted to enforce no claim that was not founded in justice; and every man in the colony was interested in railway communication. If there was a dispute about a railway between Buninyong and Ballarat he had as much right to speak as any one else. A railway here would not be exclusively for Wangaratta or Tarrawingee or Beechworth or Albury, but for the whole colony, and the Melbourne people would profit quite as much by it as the people here. It was, therefore, their duty to recommend it; and if the people in the Ovens or Gipps Land sought any particular line, the Ovens people ought to recommend the one that would benefit tho colony to the greatest extent. He hoped, and was sure, that the present meeting would be conducted with such order and decorum as to gain the respectful attention of those to whom the result of their proceedings would have to be submitted.

Mr WITT proposed, and Mr CURTIS A REID seconded, the adoption of the report of the sub-committee, and a desultory and rather lively debate ensued, chiefly between Mr Mott and Mr J K Brown, prominent members of the league, on one side, and the Beechworth delegates and Mr D H Evans, on the other, during which the chairman had several times to interfere, not so much to enforce order as to keep the meeting to the point. The following resolutions and amendments were put and disposed of:

Mr D H EVANS moved, and Mr WOOD seconded-"That Judge Cope take the chair."

Mr H S PARFITT moved, and Mr THOMSON seconded-"That a committee be appointed to frame propositions, to consist of Messrs. Mott, L Brown, R Wood, R Thomson, J K Brown, D H Evans, F Brown, Witt, and A J Smith."

Mr LORIMER moved, as an amendment, and Mr BUSSELL seconded-" That Messrs D H Evans, R Thomson, F Brown, H A Craw- ford, J K Brown, and G Power form the committee."

The amendment was lost, and the motion was carried.

The meeting then adjourned for a short time, and on resuming the report of the committee was brought up by Mr A J Smith.

Mr WITT moved, and Mr C A REID seconded- "That the report of the committee be received," which was carried.

Mr J K BROWN moved, and Mr THOMSON seconded- "That the standing orders be adopted," which was carried.

Mr D H EVANS moved, arid Mr W WARD seconded- "That this meeting form an association, to be called the United North-Eastern Railway Association."

Mr MOTT moved, as an amendment on the fifth resolution, and Mr M'CLEERY seconded- "That no new association be formed, but that this meeting decides to amalgamate with the North-Eastern Railway League upon terms to be mutually agreed upon."

Mr J L BROWN moved, as a second amendment, and Mr HENRY NICKLESS seconded "That the question of forming and framing, an association stand over for consideration at a future stage of the proceedings." This amendment was carried.

Mr WITT moved, and Mr BUSSELL seconded- "That a memorial be prepared, and signed by all the delegates present, to the Governor in Council, urging that active and immediate steps be taken to construct a line of railway to the Ovens and Murray districts." Carried.

Mr J K BROWN moved, and Mr D H EVANS seconded- "That this meeting decide as to the route to he advocated in the memorial. This motion was lost.

Mr THOMSON moved, and Mr WITT

seconded- "That a committee of five members be appointed to frame the memorial, to consist of Messrs J K Brown, A J Smith, D H Evans, G Mott, and the mover." This motion was carried.

Mr GRIFFIN moved, and Mr CLARK seconded- "That this meeting recognise the good results obtained both by the conference and the Railway League, and that the thanks of this meeting be accorded to both those bodies; and that this meeting constitutes itself an association, to be called the Ovens and Murray Districts Railway Association."


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