
The Argus at KellyGang 12/12/1878 (8)

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[[The Argus at KellyGang 12/12/1878 (7)|see previous]]

When he reached the hut he was told the Kellys were here and that he would have to bail up. Macauley, knowing this man Gloster to be a plucky fellow, was afraid that he might draw his revolver, and that there would bloodshed. However, '''Gloster''' got his water from the kitchen and was going back to his cart, when Ned Kelly called out to him to stop. He turned round, and looked at the man, but supposing it was only lark, he went on his way. Dan Kelly immediately raised his gun and was about to fire, when Ned Kelly prevented him from doing so, and at the same time Macauley called out to him to "bail up" in older to prevent bloodshed. Gloster, who appears to have been a pretty obstinate fellow, took no notice of the threats of the Kellys or the entreaties of Macauley, and steadily continued on his way, and got up into his cart. Ned Kelly appeared to be losing his temper, and went down to the cart. followed by his brother Dan. Ned then put his revolver to Gloster's cheek, and ordered him to come out of the cart, or he would blow his brains out. Several angry words passed between them, and it was only by the endeavours of Macauley that Kelly was prevented from shooting Gloster. Ned Kelly at last said he would let him off this time, and at the same time praised his own moderation by saying that not one man in a hundred would have dealt so leniently with him after the manner in which he had behaved. Dan Kelly was evidently eager for blood, as he expressed a strong wish "to put a bullet through the --- wretch." Gloster was at last marched up to the store- room, and locked up with the other prisoners. The four ruffians then proceeded to thoroughly ransack the hawker's cart, and provided themselves with a new fitout. They made regular bush dandies of themselves and helped themselves pretty freely to the contents of the scent bottles which they found among his stock. They also took what firearms he had. Before going to bed for the night, the Kellys opened the door of the storeroom and let the party out for a little while to get some fresh air, but at the same time keeping their revolvers in their hands and watching their prisoners very closely. While they were all smoking their pipes together, a friendly conversation took place between the gang and their prisoners.


In the course of this conversation, the Kellys referred to the [[Stringy Bark Creek|Mansfield murders]]. Ned Kelly said he was d--d sorry that Sergeant Kennedy was shot, he had no intention of shooting him if he had surrendered. Kennedy fired five shots at them as he was escaping, some of which grazed Kelly's clothes, and one hit him in the sleeve of the coat. Kennedy was making for a tree, and was partly sheltered, when he was first hit in the arm. This caused him instinctively to move his arm up, and Kelly, thinking he was taking aim at him, shot him in the side, and he fell, for which he (Kelly) was very sorry. As for M'Intyre he was a d---d coward. When Kennedy rode into the camp, and was ordered to bail up, he dismounted on the off side, so as to keep his horse between himself and the levelled rifles, but directly he was out of the saddle, M'lntyre jumped on the back of the horse and rode away without ever looking round to see whether he could give his comrade any assistance. They also referred to Constable Fitzpatrick, whom Ned Kelly stigmatised as an infernal liar, as he could prove he was l15 miles away at the time Fitzpatrick was shot in the wrist.


Kelly also stated that they had written a long [[Cameron Letter|letter]] to the Legislative Council, giving the whole of the circumstances that had led them into their present career. Mrs [[Fitzgerald|Fitzgerald]] was induced to obtain the postage stamps to enable them to forward this precious document, of which more will probably be heard. She says there were several sheets of paper covered with beautiful writing, and it was duly posted. Having locked up their prisoners for the night, two of the gang went to sleep, while the others were keeping watch. Early next morning they were all up, and breakfast having been partaken of, one of the gang was sent by their leader, Ned Kelly, to render the telegraph wires unfit for use.

There are [[Telegraph|wires]] on both sides of the line. On the west side there is a single line belonging to the Railway department, while on the opposite side are four lines used for the general business of the colony. These are sustained on light iron poles. In order to destroy the railway line the earthenware insulator was broken, and the line then fell to the ground. A great deal more damage was, however, done to the other lines, as the ruffians took some stout poles and smashed seven or eight of the cast iron poles, and then twisted the wires into an inextricable maze.

The Kellys appeared to be very uneasy when the [[Railways|trains]] passed up and down the line, as the home-stead is close to the line. The passengers were plainly seen from the homestead looking at the broken telegraph wires. During the morning four platelayers passed the spot, and they were at once bailed up and marched into the storeroom along with the other prisoners. About 1 o'clock in the afternoon on Tuesday, two men named Casement and Tennant, who live on the opposite side of the railway station, were returning from a kangarooing excursion, and had to pass the station before crossing the railway to their own place. Tannant was on horseback, while Casement was driving a spring cart, in which were two guns. As they were passing the gates leading to the station, they saw two men on foot, one of whom called out, "Bail up! I am Ned Kelly," at the same time seizing hold of Tennant's bridle. Tennant called out to him to let go, to which Kelly replied by ordering him to dismount, at the same time tightening his grip on the bridle. Tennant said, "Mind what you are about or it will be worse for you."' to which Kelly replied, "Good God! will you get down. I am Ned Kelly, and if you won't I will blow your brains out." Tennant there- upon dismounted, and saying, "Oh, if that is the case, let's load our guns," at the same time making for the cart, into which he jumped with the evident intention of doing as he said. Kelly was evidently losing his temper, and again said, "Good God, won't you come out of the cart?" Some more angry words passed between them and at last Kelly in a paroxysm of passion threw his rifle on the ground, and, clenching his fists, said, "Come and have it out with me fairly.

That is the fist of Ned Kelly, and it will not be long before you feel the weight of it." Tennant, however, declined to accept the challenge, but deemed it advisable to get out of the cart before there was any more trouble. Kelly then ordered them to open the gate leading up to the station; but again Tennant refused. Kelly then put his revolver between Tennant's teeth, and swore that if he did not at once open the gate he would blow his brains out. To prevent such an occurrence Tennant did as he was ordered, and he and his companion were sent to join the others in captivity. Soon after this the afternoon uptrain stopped, and a man got out, who proved to be a line-repairer, sent down from Benalla to see what was wrong with the line. As soon as the train passed out of sight the man was made prisoner, and also locked up in the store. When this was done, Ned Kelly went to Mr Macaulay and asked him to write a cheque for him on the National Bank at Euroa. This Macaulay refused to do, but in searching the desk Kelly found a cheque for £4 and some odd shillings. He said that would answer his purpose as he only wanted it to gain an entry into the bank with. Macaulay said that of course he could not prevent him from taking it, but he would not sign any cheques. The gang now prepared to make a start, Kelly saying they were going into the township, and that all the crowd would have to remain locked up until he came back, and then, for the first time, he made Macaulay go into the store and be locked up. He decided to leave one of the gang named Byrne as sentry over them, and in order to secure their quietness while he was away one of the prisoners was taken out and keep covered with Byrne's rifle, with the intimation that if he or any of the party attempted to escape he would be shot. This preliminary business having been satisfactorily settled, three of the ruffians left the station, Ned Kelly driving Casements spring cart, Dan Kelly driving the hawker's cart, and the third man accompanying them on horseback, the party proceeding direct to Euroa.

[[The Argus at KellyGang 12/12/1878 (9)|continued]]

''',''' '''[[The Argus at KellyGang 12/12/1878|.1.]] , [[The Argus at KellyGang 12/12/1878 (3)|.2.]] , [[The Argus at KellyGang 12/12/1878 (4)|.3.]] , [[The Argus at KellyGang 12/12/1878 (5)|.4.]] , [[The Argus at KellyGang 12/12/1878 (6)|.5.]] , [[The Argus at KellyGang 12/12/1878 (7)|.6.]] , .7. , [[The Argus at KellyGang 12/12/1878 (9)|.8]]. , [[The Argus at KellyGang 12/12/1878 (10)|.9.]] ,''' ''' [[The Argus at KellyGang 12/12/1878 (2)|.10.]] ,'''  

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[[The Argus at KellyGang 11/12/1878|Previous edition]] [[The Argus at KellyGang 13/12/1878|Next edition]]


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