Last modified on 20 November 2015, at 15:29

Alexandra Times at KellyGang 10/9/1869

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(From our own Correspondent)

Since my last there has been nothing important to send you. Machinery seems to be the order of the day. The Working Miners' engine is now at work, and they are still putting in their main level. The dam for this claim is now nearly completed.

The Sons of Freedom engine is expected to start next week. Mr Williams, the manager, is sparing no pains to get every thing in working order.

1 am sorry to say that on of our best men is about leaving us, namely, Mr Black, of the Ballarat Star; and now the claim is in working order, it will be an easy job for the man who succeeds him.

The whim and poppet-heads for the Never Can Tell are erected, and will be at work in a day or two. Their new shaft is down 70 feet, and in likely to bottom early next week.

It was reported here to-day that the Great Northern had struck gold, and they are now paddocking the stuff. I wish them success.

The Brilliant reef, about two miles from here, are about crushing. They are very sanguine that it will go 5 oz to the ton.

I will now call your attention to the way in which poison is laid in the main street at our township. There have been a great may dogs destroyed through it. The police are making every exertion to find out the guilty parties.The dog nuisance is: becoming as bad here as it is in Melbourne. A few hard-working Chinamen find it impossible to sleep at their houses at nigh through this pest.

The recent appointment of Mr Simcocks as Collector of lmposts for this important goldfield is an indication that we are not quite forgotten by the present Government, who will, it is to be hoped, in due time respond favorably to our wants Business licenses and miners' rights can now be obtained at any time between the hours of 10am and 4pm daily at Mr Simcocks's office.

It is a very hard case that the business people of this place have to go a distance of 16 miles to Alexandra for the purpose of attending Court, when the population is double that of the later place.


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