Royal Commission report day 1 page 22

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Story of the KellyGang - the Royal Commission evidence

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The Royal Commission evidence for 23/3/1881


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(see also introduction to day 1 ) Captain Standish giving evidence

268 You say, when I succeeded you in July, I employed spies and agents?- Yes, you told me yourself:

269 You said I must have known they were sympathizers with the Kellys. What class of people do you suppose you could obtain the information from people who knew anything about the Kellys excepting that class?- Exactly; but you must not allow yourself to be made a fool of.

270 How was I?- I heard that some of the men whom you employed used to take your money and laugh at you behind your back and tell the Kellys.

271 You were told that?- Yes, by three or four people.

272 Is it fair to make a statement of that kind without evidence. Do you remember the first visit that you made to Benalla after I took charge?- Yes.

273 Do you remember an agent, whom I obtained, coming and meeting me with you privately?- Yes.

274 Do you recollect that man receiving a considerable sum of money, from £20 to £30?- From whom?

275 Do you recollect his receiving money?- No, not from me.

276 Do you recollect his receiving some, said to be for the purchase of a horse-do you remember giving that man an order to any telegraph master, on a slip of paper in writing, to all telegraph masters- Permit the bearer to send any messages to me, F.C.S.?"-Yes.

277 Do you remember giving a sum of money on that occasion?- I do.

278 Did you give the money or I?- I had no money with me.

279 Did the man not receive a sum of money from you that night?- Not to my knowledge. I do not remember giving the money.

280 You did?- It is possible I may have; I do not remember it. I am not at all guided by your statements.

281 Do you recollect that that document you gave in that order to the telegraph office was, instead of writing to the telegraph masters, to allow him to send any information to Mr. Nicolson, that you told him to send it to you in Melbourne?- Do not get excited; I have some recollection of giving an order to send telegrams.

282 To send the information to you in Melbourne?- I do not recollect that.

283 You speak from hearsay?- I speak of many things I heard from your own mouth.

284 You received a report on the subject where information was given by -, that he had seen a man on horseback, and so on?- You telegraphed me to come up, and telegraphed me not to come up.

285 Did I not send a report to you:-I do not remember?- The report will be in your office.

286 By the Commission. -As a matter of fact, evidence was given by the party named, and the result of that was that it was decided by the police to take action on that evidence, and when the horses were saddled when Mr. Sadleir came back, and without his being consulted, he found the pursuit was abandoned?- Yes.

287 Was there a subsequent explanation, of why that took place, to you?- I do not remember. I remember his telegraphing me not to come up. Mr. Nicolson can produce the papers.

288 You do not know that there was?- I do not remember. .

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