Alexandra Times at KellyGang 9/10/1875

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(To the Editor of the Alexandra Times)

Sir, - I am forced once more to reply to the low scurrilous abuse which appeared in list issue from the pen of Samuel Town, schoolmaster, of Gobur. Many of your renders don't know Mr Samuel Town. I will draw his picture. In general appearance he resembles a bantam cock; struts when he goes along the road with self-inflated importance. He polishes his own boots until he gets red in the face before displaying him self before an admiring public. He talks as if he were Sir Oracle, draws his mouth together, produces a word of many syllables, and says, "Being a teacher of youth, I am sensibly alive to the responsibilities of my office," Now, Sir, this would be a very pretty picture were it not sometimes tarnished. Before this highly responsible individual became a Good Templar his finely polished boots and white shirt used to be very familiar with the mud and filth of the backyards of some of our public houses, and the midnight gatherings of tom cats were frequently disturbed by the maudling sentimentalism of the great Samuel, who on one occasion was known to have ,been driven home in a one wheel conveyance, commonly called a wheel barrow. This is the gentleman who publicly states that he can buy a thousand votes such as mine for a pot of beer. He is a Good Templar now, and I presume "a brand plucked from the fire," but he might have some consideration for those who, like himself at one time, like a drop of good beer. I don't intend to follow Mr Samuel Town through his long rigmarol of a letter, but cannot help saying, if he cannot teach a better style of writing than he practices then the sooner the Government pay is stopped the better, as it is only throwing away public money,-

Yours, &c.,


 ! The text has been retyped from a microfiche copy of the original.

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