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Story of the KellyGang - the Royal Commission evidence

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The Royal Commission evidence for 8/6/1881


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(see also introduction to day 27)

Mrs Margaret Reardon giving evidence

10591 What gate is that?— The large gate that goes across to the gate house, crossing the line.

10592 Down by the station master’s house?— Yes.

10593 Where did the voice come from?— From under the bridge leading along there.

10594 There are several bridges?— The main bridge leading to the gate house. [The witness pointed it out on the plan.]

10595 Did the voice come from the bridge nearest the wicket gate?— Yes.

10596 Do you mean to say those shots were fired at you as you came along?— I could not say who fired them, but they were fired right across our face, and I shut my eyes once with the fire and smoke. We turned back again, and were coming to the other large gate that leads to the station yard, and we had to return up to the hotel again.

10597 How many were there?— There were a good many gone on, but at this time there were my husband, my two big sons, the two little children, and myself and the baby.

10598 And you all went back to the hotel again?— Yes.

10599 The same way as you came out?— Yes.

10600 You came out of the hotel at the back, and came round by the chimney, at the Wangaratta side, in front of the hotel ?— Yes.

10601 And then down towards the railway gates at the station master's house?— Yes.

10602 You were then challenged, and retreated the same way as you had come from the hotel?— Yes.

10603 In what position were you at the time the firing took place—were you in front of the hotel, between the railway gates and the hotel?— We were nearer down to the corner. We were not in front of the hotel, we were nearer down to the railway gate.

10604 Could those people who fired see you?— I cannot say it was daylight, but it was a bright clear moonlight morning.

10605 Did any of the shots strike any place that would lead you to believe that they were intended for you?— I heard them strike the railway fence.

10606 That is fired towards the house?— No, not towards the house, but where the fence turns round.

10607 Did you get a bullet through your shawl?— Not at that time I did not.

10608 When did you get it?— About seven o'clock . I had to return to the house, and there was then no other woman in it but me, and the firing was kept on occasionally.

10609 Was not Mrs. Jones in the house?— No; they were all gone away.

10610 You remained in the house some time?— I remained in the house for a long time after that. I remained till about seven o'clock in the morning.

10611 From the time that you returned till you left that place did you see either of the outlaws?— No; I did not.

10612 Only the men that were prisoners?— I saw only some of the men as I passed in again.

10613 Did you go back to the same room?— I did; and there were a lot more people there—a good many men.

10614 Did you know Byrne was shot at that time?— He was not shot at that time, and at the time I left the house at seven o'clock he was standing in the passage.

10615 Was Ned Kelly in the house?— I did not know whether he was or not.

10616 How did you know he was standing in the passage if you did not see him on your return?— You shall hear it in a minute. I went straight in the house and did not take any notice, and we stood in the passage; but the police had ceased firing for a considerable time, and I said to my son I would try and get out; and I came round out of the room. I was in, and I saw three of the outlaws standing in the passage, and I said, “Will you allow us to go?” I could not say which of them they were, but they were the outlaws and had the armour on. I am sure they were the outlaws. They said, “Yes, you can all go; but if you go out the police will shoot you.”

10617 Did you go out at that time?— I went out at that time. I put the little girl out in the yard, and she screamed, and I came out myself next. One of the outlaws (by the voice I took it to be Dan Kelly) said, “If you escape”—and I said “What shall I do?” and he said, “See Hare, and tell him to keep his men from shooting till daylight, and to allow these people all to go out, and that we shall fight for ourselves.” I came into the yard, and I screamed for the police to have mercy on me. I said, “I am only a woman, allow me to escape with my children”; and I added “The outlaws will not interfere with us—do not you.” (JJK)

106l8 Could you see them?— I could see the men behind the trees.

10619 Did they cease firing?— A voice said, “Put up your hands end come this way, or I will shoot you like dogs.”

10620 What direction did that voice come from?— From a tree close behind the stable on the Wangaratta side....

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