Last modified on 20 November 2015, at 15:35

Kilmore Free Press at KellyGang 12/8/1880

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Of four brave constables I sing,

Who were on the Kelly, track, Sirs,

And on the Force did kudos bring,

As of courage they'd no lack, Sirs;

Since to guard the house they kept inside,

When Byrne had shot down Sherrit, Sirs,

And in their bedroom went to hide,

For temerity's no merit, Sirs,

Bow, wow, wow.

And that's how these four bold and joyous troopers, Alexander, Armstrong, Duross and Dowling, on the night of July the second at Sebastapol, did do their level best to capture Joe Byrne just now.

Then to Glenrowan Byrne did ride,

Together with his chums, Sirs;

And forty pris'ners put aside,

In Jones's Hotel, quite glum, Sirs;

They kept them there the Sunday  through,

But Bracken slipped away, Sirs,

And Curnow freed, away they flew,

Both up to time o' day Sirs.

Bow, wow, wow.

And that's the way the dread avengers of the law coming down by special train were warned first by Curnow, that the rails on ahead, had been torn up and also by Bracken that the outlaws were in the hotel ; and so some fifty lives were saved, not by the police, but by a schoolmaster who had more true grit in him than all the police put together just now.


Now of chivalrous Inspector Hare,

I lift my voice in praise, Sirs

He did with fifty troopers dare,

Black trackers and relays, Sirs,

To fire at the helpless crowd,

Of females, babes and men, Sirs,

That from the Inn were screaming loud,

To be released quick then, Sirs,

Bow, wow, wow.

And that's the way the dashing Inspector Hare attacked the outlaws as he himself admits in his very equivocal report just now.


And Inspector Sadlier was discreet,

And cautious likewise very, Sirs;

His men mischanced a daring feat,

And killed poor Jones and Cherry, Sirs;

But they captured Byrne, Dan Kelly, Hart,

When they were lying dead, Sirs,

And in the outside fray took part,

So saved each man his head, Sirs,

Bow, wow, wow.

And firing when no foe is near, is the way of preserving policemen's lives, according to Sub-Inspector Sadlier's report, as sent to the Commissioner just now.


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