Last modified on 20 November 2015, at 15:43

The Argus at KellyGang 10/11/1879

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"News of a startling character has, states the Wahgunyah and Rutherglen News, "been received by the police in connexion with the movements of the Kelly gang. Some time ago it will be recollected that Steve Hart had visited his parents, near Wangaratta and that he had had some conversation with an old acquaintance who was casually visiting his fathers house. Owing to some portions of that conversation, and the fact of the visit leaking out, the assistant commissioner of police, Mr Nicolson, was despatched to Wangaratta on October 17th, and for a time a strict search was made on the strength of the information received for traces of the outlaw.

It now transpires that dark hints were thrown out by Hart of preparations being made by the gang for a further raid. Ned Kelly, so Hart says, has become possessed of information that large sums of money are almost daily forwarded by the country banks to the head offices in Melbourne for safety since the Euroa and Jerilderie banks were operated upon, and that as the country banks from which there was any likelihood of getting a good haul were too well guarded, the members of the gang did not care about risking the consequences of a visit, but that they intended sticking up a train as soon as their accomplices furnished them with reliable information as to the particular train from which the greatest amount of booty could be obtained. Who those accomplices are remains to be proved but it is rumoured that if the information of the conversation referred to is reliable some employee of the Railway department, or some bank officials, are in some way interested in the movements of the outlaws.

Hart also stated that the bush telegraphs in the pay of the outlaws keep the gang well posted as to the number of police stationed in each township, and the number specially told off to watch the banks; and that when information is received of a bank not being well guarded, the outlaws conclude that the spoil to be obtained is not worth the risk entailed in going for it. Mr Assistant commissioner Nicolson, we understand, gained some important verbal information as to the contemplated movements of the gang, but nothing definite as to the time of the operations or the place where the sticking up of the train was to happen. We give the information for what it is worth. It is certain, however, that some great move on the part of the gang in the direction intimated is anticipated, as on Monday last all the railway guards in the colony were served out with revolvers for use in case of need"

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