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A public meeting of miners was held in the Shire Hall on the 15th inst, for the purpose of taking action to prevent the Mining Exemptions in the neighborhood of Yea being alienated by the selectors. The meeting was well represented by the miners of [[Yea|Yea]], Ti Tree, Higginbotham, &c. Mr Hughes, manager of the "Providence" mine, was voted to the chair.

The chairman in a few well chosen remarks stated the nature of the meeting and called upon Mr '''Sloan''', who stated that he had convened this meeting at the urgent request of several miners in and around Yea, in order to ascertain the public opinion of the miners on the much vexed question of Mining Exemptions. Mr Sloan explained the relative position between miners and mining boards, and also between the miner and the Lands Department, and stated that he would require the co-operation of the miners to assist him in preventing the wholesale alienation of the auriferous land in the division, as, great influence was brought to bear from almost every direction to settle the selector on land which was certainly the prerogative of the miner.

Mr '''McLeish''' stated that land had been given away within the last two years on, which miners could make a fair living, and went on to prove that the ground was payable and would yet be worked success fully. Messrs '''Johnson''' and others complained that some eighteen months ago they were working some alluvial ground, and notwithstanding the fact that they were in possession and making fair wages, the ground on which they were working was given to the selector. They represented their case to the Mining Department, but no notice was taken of it. Mr McAsey said he wished to say a few words, but lie could see that a " Cocky'' had no show in a meeting like this, but on the chairman stating that fair play would be given, Mr McAsey endeavoured to show that certain mining reserves never did pay and never would d pay, and a lengthy discussion took place between him and Mr McLeish, which caused some amusement.

Mr '''E Smith''', auctioneer, stated that although he was not a miner, he was never the less greatly interested in the welfare of the miners, and he wished to see the mining reserves kept inviolate for mining purposes and he was of opinion that in Mr Sloan we had, now got the right man in the right place. On a show of hands being taken the meeting was unanimously of opinion that no Mining Exemption should be alienated by selection. It was then moved by Mr '''Bannerman''', seconded by Mr '''Baird'''.-That a committee be appointed to memorialise the Mining Department, through the Beechworth Mining Board, to that effect. The following agreed to act as the committee :-Messrs '''Hughes''', Baird, '''Hocking''' Bannerman, Johnson, '''Dyke''', and '''Handel'''. In answer to a question, Mr Sloan stated that he would be most happy to endorse the opinion of the bona fide miners of Yea, and he was certain that the Beechworth Mining Board would use all endeavours to keep the miners on the land. The usual vote of thanks to the chair man brought the meeting to a close.  


Providence Co.,-By the gold that has been turned out from this mine lately, since the greatest portion of it has been let to tributors, it looks as if the old claim is likely once more to be numbered amongst the dividend paying mines in this district. The reason that it has lain so many years unproductive is well known to most of the residents of this place, but I may mention in passing that sine the present share holders purchased the property about 5 years ago, thousands of pounds have been spent, through mismanagement in doing nothing but pumping water. Manager after manager was tried with the same non success, one undoing what had been done by his successor, until at last the share holders got disgusted, and they determined to let the mine on tribute.

From a personal inspection, I found holdings taken up on the following well known reefs. Bannerman and party McAsey and party, and '''Stevenson''' and party, are working on the Italian reef. The first mentioned have been doing well since they took up the ground six months ago, and for their last crushing, for 3 weeks for 3 men, they obtained 6loz of smelted gold. M'Asey for a few tons got 6 or l0dwts.

'''Sloan's Reef'''- Honckin, from his first crushing got 13oz 17dwts.

'''Marshall''' and party are sinking a shaft on Hockin's leader with good prospects.

Providence reef-Hubbard and party are sinking a winze from the surface on a shoot of gold which they found, and at every breaking down they see gold freely in the stone.

Thrups reef- Cook and party have traced on the surface the leader, which in the early days of this mine has turned out such good crushings, but was abandoned as soon as the leader got pinched, and was declared worked out. The new blood that has been introduced into the district lately have proved the fallacy of such ideas.

There is little else doing in this muddy township. One cannot go outside without being knee deep in mud. A few drayloads of river metal would make the footpaths at least passable, and through your columns I would recommend the work to the Shire Council.

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[[Category:1880s]] [[Category:1880]] [[Category:June 1880]] [[Category:The Alexandra and Yea Standard]] [[Category:Gobur]] [[Category:Thornton and Acheron Express]] [[Category:Newspaper]] [[Category:press report]] [[Category:1880]] [[Category:Yea]] [[Category:mining]] [[Category:history]]


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