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{{Authority Side}}

== Overview ==

The Victorian Government offered a reward of £1000 after the [[Fitzpatrick|Fitzpatrick]] incident in [[15-04-78 Fitzgerald incident|1878]]. see also ([[The Last of the Bushrangers Chapter 5 page 4|FH]])

That was increased to £2000 (£500 per person ) for information leading to the capture of the '''KellyGang''' soon after the [[Stringy Bark Creek|Mansfield Murders]].([[The Age 31/10/78|Age31/10/78]])

After the Euroa robbery the reward was again increased, this time to £1000 per person ([[The Argus at KellyGang 14/12/1878|Argus14/12/78]]) ([[The Argus at KellyGang 14/12/1878 (2)|Argus14/12/78]]) ([[Sydney Morning Herald (22)|SMH14/12/78]]) ([[The Complete Inner History of the KellyGang and their Pursuers (46)|JJK]])

Ass Com [[Nicolson|Nicolson]] assured the press that the reward would not be paid to the police ([[The Argus at KellyGang 17/12/1878|Argus17/12/78]])

There were a number of private bounty hunters who wanted to get the reward. ([[The Argus at KellyGang 31/12/1878|Argus31/12/78]])

After the [[Jerilderie|Jerilderie]] robbery the Governments of Victoria and New South Wales, together with the banks, offered an additional reward of £1000 for the apprehension of each of the outlaws,

Half of the amount of £8000 was offered by the New South Wales Ministry. It is understood that £2000 of the New South Wales reward was subscribed by the banking institutions of that colony, the Government promised the remainder. ([[The Argus at KellyGang 18/2/1879|Argus18/2/79]]) ([[The Argus at KellyGang 19/2/1879|Argus19/2/79]]) ([[The Ovens and Murray Advertiser 20/2/1879|OMA20/2/1879]]) ([[The Alexandra and Yea Standard, Gobur, Thornton and Acheron Express at KellyGang 22/2/1879|Alexandra22/2/1879]]) ([[The Argus at KellyGang 27/2/1879|Argus27/2/79]]) ([[Sydney Morning Herald (29)|SMH9/4/79]]) ([[The Age (14)|Age1/7/80]]) see also ([[The Age (11)|Age29/6/80]])

The decision to withdraw the reward ([[The Argus at KellyGang 27/4/1880 (6)|Argus27/4/80]])

== ENJOY ... ==

== The Kelly Reward Board ==

The Premier of the colony of New South Wales was asked to express his views as to the composition of the board. (Age [[The Age (14)|1/7/80]]) ([[Ovens and Murray Advertiser|OMA1/7/80]])

The Kelly Reward Board '''''' consisted of Mr '''Robert''' Murray Smith, MLA, '''Sir James MacBain''' MLA (the chairman), and the Hon J '''MacBain''', MLC. ([[The Argus at KellyGang 16/4/1881 (2)|Argus16/4/81]])

It started its work on [[1880-07---aftermath|19/7/1880]].

The Board called for applications ([[The Argus at KellyGang 27/11/1880 (2)|Argus27/11/80]])

Many said that they distributed the money only, with a few exceptions, on the basis of time spent at the Genrowan siege. The rate for the aboriginal trackers was of course lower than for the others. Almost all the money went to the police.

Robert [[Chief Secretary|Ramsey]] gave evidence before the Police Reward Board ([[Royal Commission report day 47 page 18|RC16308]])

Sups [[Sadleir|Sadleir]] and [[Hare|Hare]] produced a report for the reward board that recommended a number of policemen for a reward. ([[Royal Commission report 11/5/1881|RC5837]])

How was the money was to be distributed. What principles did they apply? ([[The Argus at KellyGang 16/3/1881|Argus16/3/81]]) ([[The Argus at KellyGang 22/4/1881|Argus22/4/81]])

Report sent to the Governor ([[The Argus at KellyGang 14/4/1881|Argus14/4/81]])

Details of the Board's report ([[The Argus at KellyGang 16/4/1881|Argus16/4/81]])

== It was recommended that the following recieved a part of the reward ==


<blockquote>[[Hare|Sup Hare]]

[[Thomas Curnow|Thomas Curnow]]

[[SConst John Kelly|SConst Kelly]]

[[Steele|Sgt Steele]]

[[Const Hugh Bracken|Const Bracken]]

[[Sadleir|Sup Sadleir]]

[[Dowsett|Jesse Dowsett]]

[[Whelan|Sgt Whelan]]

[[Const William Canny|Const Canny]]

[[Gascoigne|Const Gascoigne]]

[[Const W Phillips|Const Phillips]]

[[Const Daniel Barry|Const Barry]]

[[Const Arthur|Const Arthur]]

C [[Rawlins|C Rawlins]]

[[Kirkham|Const Kirkham]]

[[Const Robert Austin Smyth|SConst Smyth]]

[[Const P Kelly|Const P Kelly]]

[[Const J Dixon|Const Dixon]]

[[Const J Dwyer|Const Dwyer]]

[[Const Wilson|Const Wilson]]

[[Const Milne|Const Milne]]

[[Const Stillard|Const Stillard]]

[[Const Cornelius Ryan|Const Ryan]]

[[Const Reilly|Const Reilly]]

[[Const Robert Graham|Const Graham]]

[[Const Hewitt|Const Hewitt]]

[[Const Wallace|Const Wallace]]

[[Const Patrick Walsh|Const Walsh]]

[[Const Montiford|Const Montifort]]

[[Const Cawsey|Const Cawsey]]

[[Const Healey|Const Healey]]

[[Const Moore|Const Moore]]



£800 00 00

550 00 00

377 11 08

290 13 09

275 13 09

237 15 00

175 13 09

165 13 09

137 11 08

137 11 08

137 11 08

137 11 08

137 11 08

137 11 08

137 11 08

137 11 08

137 11 08

115 13 09

115 13 09

115 13 09

115 13 09

115 13 09

115 13 09

115 13 09

115 13 09

115 13 09

115 13 09

115 13 09

115 13 09

115 13 09

115 13 09

115 13 09





[[Ward|Det Ward]]

[[Johnston|SConst Johnston]]






[[SConst P Mullane|SConst Mullane]]

[[John Sherritt Jnr|Sherritt]] John

[[Const Glenny|Const Glenny]]

[[Const McColl|Const McColl]]

[[Const Magor|Const Magor]]

[[Const Armstrong|Const Armstrong]]

[[Const T Dowling|Const Dowling]]

[[Const W Duross|Const Duross]]

[[Const A Alexander|Const Alexander]]

[[Const R McHugh|Const McHugh]]

Const [[Const R Wickam|Wickham]]

[[John Sherritt Jnr|John Sherritt]]

[[Const T Dwyer|Const Dwyer]]

[[Const Stow|Const Stone]]

[[Const McDonald|Const McDonald]]








[[Cheshire|Mr Cheshire]]

[[Osborne|Mr Osborne]]


£104 04 06

104 04 06

104 04 06

100 00 00

97 15 09

84 04 06

84 04 06

84 04 06

68 03 04

68 03 04

47 15 09

47 15 09

42 15 09

42 15 09

42 15 09

42 15 09

42 15 09

42 15 09

42 15 09

42 15 09

42 15 09

42 15 09

42 15 09

42 15 09

42 15 09

50 00 00

50 00 00

50 00 00

50 00 00

50 00 00

50 00 00

50 00 00

25 00 00

25 00 00

Rev [[Matthew Gibney|Gibney]] did not want a reward ([[Royal Commission report day 33 page 3|RC12335]])

Anne [[Ann Jane Sherritt|Sherritt]] applied for part of the reward but did not get anything. ([[Royal Commission report day 18 page 11|RC5523]])

Others who applied unsuccessfully included: Const [[Const Faulkiner|Faulkiner]],

== Compensation ==

The following appled for part of the reward but got nothing

{| class="wikitable"

| Constable JW [[Police|Brown]]

Constable Robert [[Const Patrick Walsh|Bunker]]

Constable J [[Seymour|Burton]]

Constable John [[Const Patrick Walsh|Coghlan]]

Constable [[Const Faulkiner|Faulkiner]]

Constable Robert [[Const Patrick Walsh|Griffin]]

Lawrence [[Lawrence Kirwan|Kirwin]] x

Constable [[McIntyre|McIntyre]]

Mr Laing, SM Wangaratta x

Constable W [[Police|Parker]]

ex-Constable [[Police|Perkins]]

Richard [[Rule|Rule]]

| Mr [[Benalla|Saxe]], PM, Benalla

Senior constable [[Yackandandah|Shanahan]]

Anne [[Anne and John Sherritt Snr|Sherritt]]

Ellen [[Ellen Sherritt|Sherritt]]

Constable Thomas [[Police|Skehan]]

George [[Stephens|Stephens]] x

Mr [[Benalla|Stephen]], SM, Benalla x

Constable Hugh [[Police|Stewart]]

Senior constable Patrick [[Const Patrick Walsh|Walsh]],

Constable Thomas [[Police|Walsh]]

[[Anton Weekes|Wicks]] Anton

BC [[Diseased Stock Agent|Williams]] (police spy)



Those marked with an 'x' were recommended by the Reward Board as worthy of special recognition for services rendered during the period of the search for the outlaws.

The Reward Board stated in its report: - &quot;Some rewards have also been recommended for the individual service of certain claimants whose names will be found in Schedule “D”; but beyond these the Board have not thought in within their province to distinguish further between members of a force, all of whom appear to have done their duty.” This list included See also ([[The Argus at KellyGang 26/4/1881|Argus26/4/81]])

{| class="wikitable"

| Constable [[Const Hugh Bracken|Bracken]]

Thomas [[Thomas Curnow|Curnow]]

Mr Jesse [[Dowsett|Dowsett,]]

| Senior constable [[Johnston|Johnston]]

Senior constable [[SConst John Kelly|Kelly]]

Sergeant [[Steele|Steele]]



A number of people recieved compensation payments

{| class="wikitable"

| Mrs [[Jones' Glenrowan Inn|Jones]] was to be given £265 but this was later reduced

| Mr Irving

Mr [[Piazzi|Piazzi]] £40 compensation for horses

Mrs Sherritt; rejected ([[The Argus at KellyGang 2/8/1880 (3)|Argus2/8/80]])



See also ([[The Argus at KellyGang 26/4/1881|Argus26/4/81]])

== [[shop1|Visit the Book Exchange]] ==

'''Reaction to the Board's Recommendations'''

The Argus was critical of the Board's decision, particularly as it related to [[Ellen Sherritt|Mrs Sherritt]], Sup [[Hare|Hare]] and Mr [[Thomas Curnow|Curnow]]. ([[The Argus at KellyGang 22/4/1881|Argus22/4/81]]) ([[The Argus at KellyGang 3/5/1881|Argus3/4/81]]) ([[The Argus at KellyGang 4/5/1881|Argus4/4/81]]) ([[The Argus at KellyGang 5/5/1881|Argus5/5/81]])

Mr [[Berry, Chief Secretary|Berry]] decided not to act on the report until the Royal Commission had reported. ([[The Argus at KellyGang 4/5/1881|Argus4/5/81]])

The New South Wales and Queensland Governments objected to the Reward Board's recommendations. ([[The Argus at KellyGang 9/5/1881 (2)|Argus9/5/81]])

The reward board effectively resigned ([[The Argus at KellyGang 1/6/1881|Argus1/6/81]])

The Royal Commission recieved submissions about rewards, but the matter had not been referred to the Commission. ([[The Argus at KellyGang 1/6/1881 (2)|Argus1/6/81]])

Const Faulkiner, Messrs Stevens and Laing recieved payments ([[The Argus at KellyGang 11/4/1883|Argus11/4/83]])


[[Category:Things]] [[Category:Justice &amp; Police things]] [[Category:Reward]] [[Category:crime and sport]] [[Category:Kelly Gang]] [[Category:bushrangers]] [[Category:history]] [[Category:New South Wales]]


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