
Royal Commission report day 2 page 11

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Story of the KellyGang - the Royal Commission evidence

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== The Royal Commission evidence for 24/3/1881 ==


=== full text ===

(see also introduction to [[Royal Commission report 24/3/1881|day 2]] )

'''[[Nicolson|Assistant Commissioner Nicholson]] giving evidence'''

467 You came to the conclusion from that that they were not in the Kelly country?- Yes.

468 Is that bounded by railroad that runs north easterly up to [[Strathbogie Ranges|Strathbogie]] and towards the [[Omeo|Omeo]] country?- The Kelly country I particularly designate is not as far as Strathbogie; east of [[Benalla|Benalla]]-that road.

469 Northerly and easterly, about the division of the [[Mansfield|Mansfield]] [[Coaches|coach]] road; that is what you call the Kelly country?- Yes.

470 Your information was they were not in that country?- Yes.

471 You did not include in that the Mansfield country?- Yes; from what Senior Constable [[SConst James|James]] said, I was of opinion it was very improbable they were there.

472 In speaking of the Kelly country, did the Commission understand that you designated the Kelly country about the division of the Mansfield coach road and northerly and easterly up to Omeo?- Due east from Omeo to the New South Wales boundary; then due north to "the Heads of the [[Murray River at Kellygang|Murray]] river"; then westward as far as [[Wodonga (2)|Wodonga]].

473 That would exclude the Strathbogie ranges?- Yes; a party of police had been stationed at [[Broken River|Broken River]], on the Benalla and Mansfield road, under Constable [[Const Irwin|Irwin]], for the express purpose of searching the country-the Strathbogie country-and back from there to the road from Mansfield to [[Longwood|Longwood]]. There is a road runs right up to there. On that very occasion-I would not like to swear positively, but I had very little doubt of it whatever-a man named --, who has been alluded to by Captain Standish yesterday (I am quite certain that it was on that Monday-9th December)-came into the yard in the afternoon, soon after we had arrived, and told me he had got information, and requested me to take a party along with him, or rather to meet him up at the head of the [[King River|King River]], in a basin, about seventy miles off Benalla. I believe he subsequently took Superintendent [[Hare|Hare]] there; but he asked me to do that. I knew the man's character very well; he is a man of a very treacherous character.

474 Can you tell what connection of Kellys' he was?- He was [[Ned Kelly|Ned Kelly]]'s uncle. He is married to an aunt of the Kellys. He was much distrusted by the [[KellyGang|Kelly gang]], and also by the people of the country. I distrusted him at once. When he came he saw our horses-this was in the barrack yard-the horses fatigued and jaded; and I said, "How can I bring these men up seventy miles by tomorrow night in the state they are in. You see the horses, and see it is impossible for us to arrive there in a condition to go in pursuit of those men."

475 Was this the first information you had received from him?- Yes; he promised to give information and to write, and promised to do a great deal, but did not come. I declined to go with him. I also spoke to Mr. Sadleir of the matter.

476 What was the intimation he gave?- That they were living up there; but at that very time they were down at [[Euroa|Euroa]].

477 That has been proved since?- Yes; they were at [[Faithfull's Creek (2)|Faithfull's Creek station]] on the Monday, and they robbed the bank on the Tuesday.

478 You consulted with Mr. Sadleir about it?- Yes.

479 And you both agreed it was inexpedient?- Yes.

480 You thought his object was to lead the police off the track?- Yes. Previously, this man had promised to send for us, or to come, on certain dates on one or two occasions, and lead to where the outlaws were; and could have done so, I think, if he chose to. Still I thought his position and information untrustworthy, because I distrusted him; and I know they all distrusted him.

481 Was this man recognized as an informer, and in the pay of the Government?- No, he was not

482 Was "[[Wild Wright|Wild Wright]]"-Isaiah Wright-ever engaged by the police?- Never, to my knowledge. There was also received, a considerable time previous to that, a letter sent by Senior Constable [[SConst John Kelly|Kelly]] from [[Hedi|Hedi]], a letter that had in some way or other fallen into his hands; and it revealed, apparently, a plan on the part of some persons on the River [[Murray River at Kellygang|Murray]] to help the outlaws over to escape into New South Wales. ..

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