
Royal Commission report day 17 page 19

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Story of the KellyGang - the Royal Commission evidence

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== The Royal Commission evidence for 10/5/1881 ==


=== full text ===

(see also introduction to [[Royal Commission report 10/5/1881|day 17]])

''''''Constable Alfred John [[Const Faulkiner|Faulkiner]]''' giving evidence'''

<span id="rc5258">[[#rc5258|5258]]</span> ''By the Commission''. —How many days was it before you were sent back to the cave again after this Beechworth duty?— Four or five days.

<span id="rc5259">[[#rc5259|5259]]</span> And after being at the cave for another nine or ten days you were relieved again as before?— Yes, and went back to do ordinary police duty.

<span id="rc5260">[[#rc5260|5260]]</span> And this was continued with you from December to April 1880?— Yes, till the party broke up.

<span id="rc5261">[[#rc5261|5261]]</span> You took your turn all that time?— Yes.

<span id="rc5262">[[#rc5262|5262]]</span> Did you hear that the fact of your being in the cave was known to persons outside?— I did.

<span id="rc5263">[[#rc5263|5263]]</span> You heard it reported amongst the men that were with you in the cave?— Well I, heard it, of course, speaking outside of the cave duty.

<span id="rc5264">[[#rc5264|5264]]</span> Apart from the police altogether?— Yes.

<span id="rc5265">[[#rc5265|5265]]</span> From civilians?— Yes.

<span id="rc5266">[[#rc5266|5266]]</span> How do you suppose this information got out?— Well, I took it to be that there were so many mixed up in it.

<span id="rc5267">[[#rc5267|5267]]</span> More besides the four that were in the cave?— I do not mean the police, but the people outside the police.

<span id="rc5268">[[#rc5268|5268]]</span> How many police were there—different police—from the time you went in December till April?— I suppose about nine or ten different policemen.

<span id="rc5269">[[#rc5269|5269]]</span> Were there any others besides [[Aaron Sherritt|Aaron Sherritt]] and those nine or ten men that knew of their own knowledge that you were watching the place?— I think on one occasion Mr. [[Nicolson|Nicolson]] held an enquiry as to how it had got talked about—called the police together at Beechworth.

<span id="rc5270">[[#rc5270|5270]]</span> About what time?— About a couple of months before it broke up—it was spoken of in [[Wangaratta|Wangaratta]].

<span id="rc5271">[[#rc5271|5271]]</span> About February or March?— Yes.

<span id="rc5272">[[#rc5272|5272]]</span> How many police were present when he conducted the enquiry?— I think three or four of those that had been at the cave.

<span id="rc5273">[[#rc5273|5273]]</span> ''By Mr. Nicolson''. —Was not the enquiry you allude to into the fact that some of the neighboring police had attempted to pump you when you were down the country?— I understood it was that it had been talked of in Wangaratta.

<span id="rc5274">[[#rc5274|5274]]</span> That some of the police had tried to pump you?— The question you asked me was had I mentioned it or seen anyone in Wangaratta that had mentioned it. I said not; but, at the same time, a person leaving the station like that, when they returned, and were asked what duty they were on, it was not for them to say what duty they were on.

<span id="rc5275">[[#rc5275|5275]]</span> That is not the question what was the enquiry about. Was it not about some police attempting to find out what duty you were on?— I understood they had found out, and it was your desire to find out who it was.

<span id="rc5276">[[#rc5276|5276]]</span> What made you think that?— Constable Cox was under the impression that it was. He was blamed for speaking of it, because he had been in Wangaratta.

<span id="rc5277">[[#rc5277|5277]]</span> ''By the Commission''. —What was the result of the enquiry?— I believe it was not known who spoke of it.

<span id="rc5278">[[#rc5278|5278]]</span> They could not find out whom the information came from?— No.

<span id="rc5279">[[#rc5279|5279]]</span> No one suspected?— I could not say that; there might have been some. Constable Cox was under the impression he was suspected. Sergeant Steele had spoken to Cox, I believe, when he was in Wangaratta. That was what made me think why Mr. Nicolson held that enquiry.

<span id="rc5280">[[#rc5280|5280]]</span> Did you hear that it was known at the Melbourne depot?— I could not say.

<span id="rc5281">[[#rc5281|5281]]</span> You did not hear that amongst your own comrades?— No.

<span id="rc5282">[[#rc5282|5282]]</span> Did you hear that Captain Standish had written up to say it was known there?— No, not at that time, not till this enquiry took place.

<span id="rc5283">[[#rc5283|5283]]</span> After your enquiry were you sent back to the cave again?— Yes.

<span id="rc5284">[[#rc5284|5284]]</span> Besides the police, was there any of Sherritt's family knew you were concealed in the cave from December to April?— Yes, Sherritt's family altogether, and Mrs. [[Mrs Ellen Barry|Barry]].....

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