
Royal Commission report day 19 page 31

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Story of the KellyGang - the Royal Commission evidence

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== The Royal Commission evidence for 13/5/1881 ==


=== full text ===

(see also introduction to [[Royal Commission report 13/5/1881|day 19]])

'''[[Kirkham|Const Thomas Kirkham]] '''giving evidence''''''

<span id="rc6690">[[#rc6690|6690]]</span> Did you see the marks on the building to see how the bullets told on it?— The building was one perfect mass of riddles.

<span id="rc6691">[[#rc6691|6691]]</span> Did you hear anybody calling upon the Kellys' prisoners to come out?— Yes, I heard several people calling on them to come out.

<span id="rc6692">[[#rc6692|6692]]</span> Did the firing cease when they were coming out?— I think there was some firing going on when the women were coming out.

<span id="rc6693">[[#rc6693|6693]]</span> But when the men came out, at about ten o'clock ?— As near as I can remember, that was the time.

<span id="rc6694">[[#rc6694|6694]]</span> When did the women come out?— They came out earlier—about daylight.

<span id="rc6695">[[#rc6695|6695]]</span> Was there no firing while the men were coming out?— None, as far as I remember.

<span id="rc6696">[[#rc6696|6696]]</span> From either side?— No.

<span id="rc6697">[[#rc6697|6697]]</span> Did you see Mr. [[Sadleir|Sadleir]] or Mr. [[O'Connor|O'Connor]] then?— No, I did not.

<span id="rc6698">[[#rc6698|6698]]</span> Did you shift away from your position when they were coming out?— Yes.

<span id="rc6699">[[#rc6699|6699]]</span> In what way?— Ran up towards them.

<span id="rc6700">[[#rc6700|6700]]</span> Were you in front at the time?— I was in front at the time.

<span id="rc6701">[[#rc6701|6701]]</span> You were with Mr. O'Connor?— No, not then.

<span id="rc6702">[[#rc6702|6702]]</span> Where was he at that time?— I do not know, I am sure. I think Mr. O'Connor left and went away with Mr. Sadleir. I would not be sure.

<span id="rc6703">[[#rc6703|6703]]</span> Immediately Mr. Sadleir came on the ground?— I would not be sure whether he went away then or not.

<span id="rc6704">[[#rc6704|6704]]</span> You did not see him?— No.

<span id="rc6705">[[#rc6705|6705]]</span> Were you in that so-called drain?— I was there with Mr. O'Connor for a while.

<span id="rc6706">[[#rc6706|6706]]</span> Where did you go from there?— To the railway station

<span id="rc6707">[[#rc6707|6707]]</span> Where were you when you came back?— I came back to there with the provisions.

<span id="rc6708">[[#rc6708|6708]]</span> Did you see Mr. O'Connor then?— Yes.

<span id="rc6709">[[#rc6709|6709]]</span> How long was he there after you returned?— That I could not say.

<span id="rc6710">[[#rc6710|6710]]</span> When did he leave?— I think he left with Mr. Sadleir, but I could not say when. There were two other constables there then. I was speaking to constables Kenny and Wilson, and I did not know exactly when Mr. O'Connor left.

<span id="rc6711">[[#rc6711|6711]]</span> How long were you away from the drain after you came out of it for the bread?— I may have been half an hour, or more.

<span id="rc6712">[[#rc6712|6712]]</span> Were Mr. Sadleir and Mr. O'Connor there when you came back?— I think so, but I am not sure.

<span id="rc6713">[[#rc6713|6713]]</span> You say they left about that time—do you know which way they went?— I think they went up towards the Wangaratta end of the building.

<span id="rc6714">[[#rc6714|6714]]</span> Was that where Kelly was captured?— Yes, at the north end.

<span id="rc6715">[[#rc6715|6715]]</span> Do you know the time he was captured?— I think about half-past six.

<span id="rc6716">[[#rc6716|6716]]</span> Where were you then?— With Mr. O'Connor.

<span id="rc6717">[[#rc6717|6717]]</span> At the front of the building?— Yes.

<span id="rc6718">[[#rc6718|6718]]</span> Was that in that drain?— It was.

<span id="rc6719">[[#rc6719|6719]]</span> How long after that was it before you saw Mr. O'Connor when he left with Mr. Sadleir?— I would not be sure about his leaving with Mr. Sadleir.

<span id="rc6720">[[#rc6720|6720]]</span> How long after that was it that you saw him; when did you see Mr. O'Connor after half-past six, when you were with him?— That is about when Kelly was captured?

<span id="rc6721">[[#rc6721|6721]]</span> Yes?— He was there then; I saw him then.

<span id="rc6722">[[#rc6722|6722]]</span> When did you see him again?— I next saw him talking to Mr. Sadleir, at the north end.

<span id="rc6723">[[#rc6723|6723]]</span> When was that?— I think it was eleven o'clock . I would not be sure of the time; we were up all night.....

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