
Royal Commission report day 22 page 19

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== The Royal Commission evidence for 18/5/1881 ==


=== full text ===

(see also introduction to [[Royal Commission report 18/5/1881|day 22]])

'''SConst [[SConst John Kelly|Kelly]] giving evidence'''

<span id="rc8453">[[#rc8453|8453]]</span> You have one statement there in your report, where you say, “Moreover, there is no place at [[Greta|Greta]] at which I can live, except [[John O'Brien|Mrs. O'Brien's]] public house. Her position respecting the Kellys is well known, and I should receive but little consideration from her.” What do you mean by “her position respecting the Kellys”?— I always took her to be a sympathizer.

<span id="rc8454">[[#rc8454|8454]]</span> You know that the police are now stationed in her house?— Yes, I do.

<span id="rc8455">[[#rc8455|8455]]</span> Then from that fact, and from your opinion, you consider it a very unwise step to place the police in the house of an enemy, you might say?— I think so.

<span id="rc8456">[[#rc8456|8456]]</span> How did it become necessary to station the police in her house?— There are no quarters there, I believe.

<span id="rc8457">[[#rc8457|8457]]</span> Were there any quarters there before that?— I do not think so.

<span id="rc8458">[[#rc8458|8458]]</span> Do you recollect the time the [[KellyGang|Kellys]] were stated to have bought ammunition in Melbourne?— I heard about it.

<span id="rc8459">[[#rc8459|8459]]</span> Do you recollect the time?— I do not.

<span id="rc8460">[[#rc8460|8460]]</span> About that time do you remember reading in the papers and elsewhere that the Kellys brought ammunition?— I remember reading about it.

<span id="rc8461">[[#rc8461|8461]]</span> Do you know that Mrs. O'Brien came up in the train in which they were supposed to be bringing ammunition; did you hear that?— I did not.

<span id="rc8462">[[#rc8462|8462]]</span> Did you hear that Mr. Sadleir either searched or had her luggage searched, believing that she ammunition?— I did not hear. I was up in Hedi ten months.

<span id="rc8463">[[#rc8463|8463]]</span> In going round to the police at Glenrowan, did you hear any of them volunteer to rush Mrs. Jones's hotel?— I did. There was Constable [[Const Armstrong|Armstrong]], Constable [[Const J Dixon|Dixon]]; and Armstrong in particular spoke to me about it. I told Mr. Sadleir, and he said he did not see why he should sacrifice any man's life for the two ruffians inside.

<span id="rc8464">[[#rc8464|8464]]</span> Did they explain to y on any plan-by which they would rush the house?— No, they did not,

<span id="rc8465">[[#rc8465|8465]]</span> Then you are not in a position to say whether it was a practicable plan or not?— No.

<span id="rc8466">[[#rc8466|8466]]</span> Have you any idea of your own about it?— Only just to rush right in–some men at the back and some at the front, and some were bound to get shot.

<span id="rc8467">[[#rc8467|8467]]</span> Some of them would have been shot?— Yes.

<span id="rc8468">[[#rc8468|8468]]</span> If you were left to your own free will would you have rushed the place?— I would, with the men.

<span id="rc8469">[[#rc8469|8469]]</span> You are of the same opinion now, knowing all the circumstances. If the same was to be repeated you would take a part in the rush?— I would.

<span id="rc8470">[[#rc8470|8470]]</span> What time of the day was that?— About two o'clock .

<span id="rc8471">[[#rc8471|8471]]</span> In answering Mr. Hall's question, do you mean to say you would rush at any time during the day?— No, not when all the prisoners were in, but after they left it.

<span id="rc8472">[[#rc8472|8472]]</span> Do you know that [[Cherry|Cherry]] was wounded inside after the rest of the people were left?— I heard the prisoners say. I was with Mr. Sadleir when he questioned them, after they came out. And the two [[Jeremiah McCormack|McCormacks]] and [[Daniel Delaney|Delaneys]] we examined, the two of them, and they pointed out where those two were lying down.

<span id="rc8473">[[#rc8473|8473]]</span> What two?— Dan Kelly and Steve Hart.

<span id="rc8474">[[#rc8474|8474]]</span> The question I ask is: did the people detained by the Kellys, when they came out, tell you that Martin Cherry was lying wounded in the premises?— I believe they did, but I am not certain.

<span id="rc8475">[[#rc8475|8475]]</span> Can you say whether your officer knew, from any information given him in your presence, that Martin Cherry was in the house and the outlaws?— I could not say, I heard he was in the back kitchen.

<span id="rc8476">[[#rc8476|8476]]</span> Who told you that?— I do not know.

<span id="rc8477">[[#rc8477|8477]]</span> At what time in the day did you hear that?— About two o'clock, I think.

<span id="rc8478">[[#rc8478|8478]]</span> When you heard he was in the back kitchen, did you hear whether he was wounded or not?— I did not.

<span id="rc8479">[[#rc8479|8479]]</span> Here is your evidence, Mr. Gaunson examining–is this correct, “I asked Mr. O'Connor”— is that your signature?— Yes.

<span id="rc8480">[[#rc8480|8480]]</span> “I asked Mr. O'Connor if he would come round out of the ditch; he did not do so, he remained in the ditch.” Is that correct?— That is correct.....

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