
Royal Commission report Appendix 5 page 6

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== The Royal Commission Appendix 5 ==


=== full text ===

'''Reported Appearances of the Kelly Outlaws'''

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== Date report received ==


== Date of appearance ==


== Where seen ==


== Steps taken by Police ==



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| <span id="App5_81">[[#App5_81|4/10/79]]</span>

| Week previous

| Near Hollow station

| [Enquiry by police.] No truth in rumor


| 9/10/79

| May previous

| Near [[Lake Rowan|Lake Rowan]] and [[Taminick|Taminick]] road

| [Agent placed to watch locality] Five men seen at Ryan’s door, Lake Rowan. – C. 59. Horsemen pass through informant’s paddock at night occasionally. Informant called at Benalla office. Arrangements made.


| 16/10/79

| Not given

| Between [[Greta|Greta]] and [[Oxley|Oxley]]

| [This report was only general as to haunts of gang. Renwick (''alias'') employed as scout in this locality.] Renwick employed on 17 th. Rain set in, and portion of country indicated flooded. One of the McAuliffes purchased four well-bred horses, supposed for the outlaws, and hired Wilson's paddock opposite Bowdren's.


| 23/10/79

| 22/9/79

| Sloan's paddock, near Wangaratta

| [A man named Smith reported that he had been made prisoner by gang. See last item for steps taken. Diseased Stock agent also employed in these localities.] Edward Smith, farmer, Sloan's paddock, reported that he and Young Morgan had been made prisoners by the gang on The night of the 22nd September, and kept in Hart's (senior) house for several hours before being released. He had to swear that he would not divulge anything for one month. The police ascertained that young Morgan would not corroborate Smith. Morgan would only reply that he know nothing about it. Morgan is connected with the sympathizers. From Wangaratta police.— Richard Hart would have been prosecuted if Morgan had consented to give evidence.


| 29/10/79

| 13/9/79

| Near Greta

| [Reported by Denny, who also conveyed warning re Jamieson bank and escort. Banks in neighborhood and police specially warned.] Mr. Nicolson was informed that the outlaws' knowledge of vigilance of the local police, and the defection of a scout of the gang, caused them to abandon this project


| 30, 31/10/79



| Joe Byrne, outlaw, writes several letters to the Jones's. Replies dictated by police. Requests in Byrne's letters seceded to as far as possible, with the view of the Jones's securing his confidence. Arrangements made by Mr. Nicolson with Detective Ward and Senior-Constable Mullane.


| 7/11/79

| 6/11/79

| Near [[Peechelba at kellyGang|Peechelba]]

| [Reported by Jones, who met Joe Byrne by appointment.] Under direction of police, Jones succeeds in making an arrangement, through one of brothers of outlaw Byrne, to meet the gang at Thompson's, near to Peechelba. On arriving finds Thompson gone twelve months, and no signs of the gang; but on his return home next day, on a scrubby track through the ranges, Byrne the outlaw suddenly appeared and signed to him to following to the bush. When out of sight of the track they had a long conversation together, Byrne wanting Jones to join them as a scout. Byrne's mind appeared burdened about the murder of Sergeant Kennedy, and revealed several ideas and plans they had in view, which enabled Mr. Nicolson to take precautions against them. Byrne's spurs were bloody, and he had the appearance of having ridden hard. Jones believed he was under the eyes of the gang both going to and returning from Thompson's, to test his good faith. No police were sent as this extraordinary appointment of Byrne was evidently taken with such precautions as to baffle any pursuit that might be instituted. (See Foote, September 29, page 9 ) The object of this interview was to obtain more knowledge of the men and their plans. The outlaw Byrne made another appointment to meet him again at Evans's Gap.



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