
The North Eastern Ensign at KellyGang 14/5/1874

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Wednesday 12th May 1875

(Before Mr Geo Sharpe JP)

DESTITUTE:- '''Denis Hegarty,''' a poor, worn-out, old man of 70, was brought before the bench more as an act. of mercy than to be dealt with from any fault of his own by Trooper Considine, in whose care the .poor old follow had placed himself at the [[Dookie|Dookie]] lock-up on Monday as being perfectly destitute and blind. In answer to the Magistrate, Hegarty stated he had been working for a farmer named Doyle, besides some others until his strength and eye sight failed, and had been left now to do the best he could. He would be glad to be sent any where for relief, and perhaps after a time be might be again able to do little jobs for a living. The old man was sent to Beechworth gaol for a week more for hospital attendance than punishment at the expiration of which time Mr Sharpe advised him to apply for admission into the Benevolent Asylum.

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