
The Argus at KellyGang 8/1/1876

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The ''Ovens and Murray Advertiser'' writes as follows about the Beechworth railway: "A few days since we took a drive from [[Everton|Everton]] to [[Beechworth|Beechworth]] along the second section of the [[Railways|branch line]], and were fairly astonished at the progress which has been made since our last visit. Messrs. Fishburn and Morton mean business, and with ordinarily fine weather fully expect being able to complete their contract by the end of the year. Everywhere along the line activity is apparent the giant hills are being pierced through, the valleys filled in, and nature is' gradually yielding to art and labour. The whole of the line from Everton to the '''Horseshoe Creek''', about three miles, is completed as far as the formation and ballasting are concerned, and is now ready for the rails to be laid. All the bridges on the entire length are erected excepting the large one over the Horseshoe Creek, for which the piles are ready on the ground, whilst most of the cuttings are completed. The works at the '''Big Hill''', which are on a gigantic scale, the length of the one cutting being upwards of half a mile, are being pushed forward with great rapidity, there being no fewer than 106 men at work at this spot alone, and already they have got nearly half way through. The large embankment at the Beechworth end of the large cutting is nearly formed, and most of the work at the ter- minus end is progressing in a most satisfactory manner. Before Christmas next we fully expect to have the line open for traffic."

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[[The Argus at KellyGang 27/11/1875|Previous edition]] [[The Argus at KellyGang 22/1/1876|Next edition]]


[[Category:1870s]] [[Category:January 1876]] [[Category:The Argus]] [[Category:Newspaper]] [[Category:press report]] [[Category:history]]


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