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THE OUTLAWS. The following items of news regarding the outlaws will be read with interest, for which we are indebted to to the Melbourne dailies and the ''[[Mansfield Guardian|Mansfield Guardian]]'' :–

MANSFIELD, 10th November.

On Thursday night some persons, supposed to be Kelly's gang, stole a horse, with his bell and hobbles on, from a paddock of Mr Monks. The family heard a llow whistle, and then the horse-bells stopped ringing. On Saturday night, by last post, Mr [[Wombat ranges|Monks]] received a letter signed.'' Edward Kelly," threatening to do for him, cut his ears off, gouge his eyes out, and follow him to the gates of hell to do that, and to treat his wife the same. Mr Monks helped the police to find the bodies of the murdered constables, and to hunt for the murderers, and the writer reminds him of it. Monks also made the discovery first of Kennedy's ear having been cut off. The letter is supposed to have been posted on Thursday night, and has no date or place on it. Two constables went out to the Wombat with Monks since he received the letter. This afternoon a man named Walter Lynch was arrested at Wombat for writing the letter signed "Edward Kelly." Lynch is a well- known bad character, having been   brought up at the police court on five or six different occasions, one charge being for arson.

ST. ARNAUD, 11th November

A young man reported to the police this evening that be had been stuck up by four men, who were lying in ambush about six miles from St. Arnaud, on the East Charlton-road. They were all fully armed, and one wore a mask. Two had iron-grey horses, and the others bay horses. They told him to hold up his arms and say his prayers, and they then robbed him of all his valuables, consisting of £7 in cash, and they then let him go, cautioning him that if he told any one they would take his life. He reported the circumstance to the police about a quarter-past eight o'clock, and Senior constable. Monckton and constables McDuffie and O'Keefe immediately started in pursuit, having as usual to run around to borrow rifles before leaving.

MANSFIELD, 11th November

[[Wombat ranges|Walter Lynch]] was brought up at the police court this morning charged with sending a threatening letter to Edward Monks, signed " Edward Kelly." Sub- inspector Pewtress applied for a remand for eight days to get up the case. He   also stated in court that Edward Monks had refused to help the police to search for Kelly ; he only helped them to find the bodies of the murdered police. Mrs. Monk has been thrown into a dangerous illness through the receipt of the letter. Lynch applied to be allowed bail, but Sub-inspector Pewtress opposed it on account of the serious nature of the charge. He was remanded for eight days and bail refused.

WANGARATTA, 12th November

[[Sup Nicolas|Nicolson]] and [[Sadleir|Sadleir]] and Inspector [[Brooke Smith|Books Smith]], with nineteen constables, left here at five o'clock this morning, and returned after dark in two parties. Nothing fresh has transpired, but fears are entertained. that the police have lost the tracks of the outlawed Kellys. Superintendent Sadleir has since left for Benalla.

MANSFIELD, 12th November

Nothing definite has transpired here in regard to the '''Kelly party''', and of course there was no appearance of the outlaws to surrender themselves at the Mansfield Court to-day, in obedience to the gazetted and advertised summonses. Any of the reports of the gang having crossed the River Murray and wandered many miles from the mountains are laughed at by the residents here. Walter Lynch remains in the lock-up, but refuses to give any information about his friends. There is no doubt about his being the writer, of the threatening letter to Mr E Monks.

[[The Alexandra and Yea Standard, Gobur, Thornton and Acheron Express at KellyGang 16/11/1878 (2)|continued]]

, . 1 . , [[The Alexandra and Yea Standard, Gobur, Thornton and Acheron Express at KellyGang 16/11/1878 (2)|. 2 .]] ,

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