Ovens & Murray Advertiser (5)

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full text of the article

BEECHWORTH POLICE COURT .—On Tuesday, before Mr W H Foster PM, Aaron Sherritt, of Sheep Station Creek, near Beechworth, was charged with stealing a horse, the property of Mrs Byrne, of the same place.Mr Inspector A Brooke Smith conducted the prosecution; and Mr F Brown appeared for the defence.The former applied for a remand for seven days, as the police were unable at the present time to go on with the case, some of the witnesses living at a distance of sixty miles from Beechworth. If a remand were granted for the time applied for, he (Mr Smith) assured the Bench that at the end of that time the necessary evidence would be forthcoming. Mr Brown agreed to the remand, but stipulated that the accused should be admitted to bail.This was agreed to, in one security of £50, or two of £25 each,—which latter were found.


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