The Argus at KellyGang 16/8/1882

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The Police Commission sat yesterday fore noon , when there were present Messrs Longmore (chairman), Hall, Fincham, Anderson , and Dixon . No witnesses were examined, but the greater portion of the sitting was devoted to a consideration of the correspondence which had passed between the commission and the Chief Secretary in reference to the inquiry into the charges against Superintendent Winch. Other accusations against that officer have been lodged with the commission, and they decided to await the decision of the board which had been appointed to deal with the Rowe case before   they took any action in the matter. It was resolved that the commission should visit some of the principal towns in the colony with a view of taking evidence in reference to the advisableness of allowing the local bodies to control the police to a certain ex- tent. They then adjourned to a day to be fixed.

 ! The text has been retyped from a microfiche copy of the original.

We have taken care to reproduce this document but areas of the original text may been damaged.

We also apologise for any typographical errors.
