Royal Commission report day 20 page 13

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Story of the KellyGang - the Royal Commission evidence

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The Royal Commission evidence for 14/5/1881


full text

(see also introduction to day 20)

'James Reardon giving evidence'

7712 By Mr. Sadleir — Were both the children shot at that time?— Yes, one was out at the kitchen chimney, and Mrs. Jones said, “You cowardly , why do not you go out and fight hand to hand, as you said you would.”

7713 By the Commission— That was very early in the morning?— Yes.

7714 By Mr. Sadleir— The only other person shot was your son?— Yes, and Cherry. He was shot as he was going in the door; struck on the shoulder.

7715 By the Commission— Did you look on after you escaped?— No, I went to the hospital at Wangaratta.

7716 Where was he struck?— Through the back, and lodged in the middle of the breast.

7717 Did you get the bullet extracted?— No, the bullet is in him still.

7718 Is the joint of the shoulder and the arm useless?— No, he can raise the arm, but he cannot work it.

7719 You said there was some dancing in the hotel—was there any singing?— Not that I remember. There was a concertina playing a good part of Sunday.

7720 Who played it?—Mortimer.

7721 You did not hear Mrs. Jones's boy sing a song?— Yes, a little boy she called to sing a song.

7722 Did you hear the words of that song?— Yes.

7723 What were the words?— “The Wild Colonial Boy.”

7724 Was Ned Kelly's name brought in it?— No, some other person sang the Kelly song. Mrs. Jones promised her son sixpence to sing the song.

7725 Did she seem overjoyed to see him do it?— Yes.

7726 Was it for the purpose of giving amusement to Ned Kelly?— It was certainly to please him.

7727 Was Ned listening to it. It is not for the benefit of the prisoners?— No, indeed it was not. Dan Kelly and Byrne were there; I do not remember seeing Ned at the time.

7728 It was for the benefit of the Kelly party?— Yes.

7729 Was it sung to please the Kellys at Mrs. Jones's request by the child?— Yes.

7730 Did you know Cherry was shot?— No, I did not until I came back from Wangaratta. Dr. Hutchinson examined him to find the bullet, and told me to send him to the hospital.

7731 Did you see them put on the armour?— No; I could hear the jingle.

7732 What way were they—front and back plate?— Yes, like on hinges, and they were all pliable; but the back piece was all solid. There were two flaps that hung down here—[explaining]—and they were on hinges like.

7733 Did you see Ned Kelly going from the house when the first party came?— No.

7734 Did you see him go out to meet them?— No, but I could hear him walking round the house and talking.

7735 Were the front and back plates fastened at the side?— I could not tell that; they had their coats on at the time.

7736 Did the armour they wore seem to be similar?— Yes. I noticed Hart's armour under his coat.

7737 Where did you see any armour at first?— At the gate.

7738 When?— On the Sunday morning.

7739 When they first came to you, they had the body-plates on?— Yes.

7740 Therefore, after they came, they must have ridden in that armour on horseback?— Quite likely; Ned had it on at my place, and had a white coat on, and I noticed a hump on his back.

7741 What were the Kelly party doing all Sunday?— Hart was here at the gatehouse, in charge of the station-master's house and the women and children there, and the others were up at Mrs. Jones's.

7742 What did they do on Sunday?— Ned went out jumping with some others out of the yard— hop, step, and leap—and the others were walking about the house to and fro.

7743 When it came on dark, what then?— They wanted to dance.

7744 For how long?— Mrs. Jones ordered the table out, and they had a couple of dances.

7745 She was trying to oblige them all she could?— Yes.....

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