Mansfield Murders

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Date Person Place Event
8/10/78 Secretan   First report to Sadleir from the detectives
9/10/78 MrsKelly Beechworth Mrs Kelly, Bill Skillion and Brickey Williamson found guilty of attempted murder of Const Fitzpatrick. Trail conducted before Sir Redman Barry at Beechworth. Bowman appeared for the Kellys and Chomley ran the prosecution case. Fitzpatrick gave evidence as did Dr Nicholson. Lindsay told the court that Fitzpatrick had told him that he had been shot by Ned Kelly and Sgt Steele gave evidence about the arrests. There was little cross examination of the prosecution's witnesses.
10/10/1878   Beechworth Trial continued (OMA10/10/78)
11/10/1878   Beechworth Francis Harty and Joseph Ryan were called as witnesses for the defence.

William Baumgarten and Samuel Kennedy were found guilty of recieving stolen horses from James Whitty (Argus)

15/10/78 DanKelly   Det Ward reported Dan Kelly working on Fifteen Mile Creek and search should be sent from Wangaratta and Mansfield to catch KellyGang.
17/10/78 Secretan   Secretan reported to Sadleir KellyGang camp
18/10/78 Sadleir   Sadleir's orders to Pewtress about Kennedy's search party.
20/10/78 Secretan   Secretan reported to Sadlier
21/10/78 Sadleir   Sadleir's last orders for Kennedy and the other search parties
24/10/78th Kennedy Mansfield Sgt Kennedy met SConst Kelly in Mansfield '

Kennedy Const Scanlon Lonigan and McIntyre left Mansfield

25/10/78fr KellyGang Greta SConst Strahan with Const Shoebridge, Thom and Ryan left Greta

KellyGang came accross the tracks of Sgt Kennedy+ between Table Top and the bogs; see Cameron Letter.

Murders at Stringy Bark Creek in the Wombat Ranges

26/10/78sa KellyGang StringyBarkC Sgt Kennedy Const Scanlon and Lonigan murdered by the KellyGang at about 5pm.

weather very wet

  TomLloyd PowerLook In the evening Tom Lloyd met the KellyGang in the Wombat Ranges
  Ward   Det Ward Power's Look Out. met Strahan, Shoebridge, Thom +
27/10/78su KellyGang

Standish '



KellyGang saw the family, had a meal with William Tanner near Greta

Standish first heard of murders

KellyGang seen passing through7-jan-12 at night. They then went east to the Pioneer Bridge Hotel and Everton on the Ovens River

weather very wet

28/10/78mo Standish Melbourne Standish saw Berry to arrange for extra weapons and men to chase KellyGang (Age)(Argus)

weather started to turn fine

3pm Brook Smith   Brook Smith on search party to Merriang, across the Buffalo .





KellyGang at Sherritt's

special police train left for Benalla with Nicolson & SConst Kelly, Duross +

    Consts Kelly, James, Connor, Meehan, & I, from Benalla on a search party
29/10/78tu Faulkiner


Wangaratta Faulkiner out on a serach party, from Wangaratta, up King River to Mansfield

Det Ward at Isard's, met Consts Arthur and Thom.(Age)(Argus)

Lonigon and Scanlon buried (Argus)

30/10/78we KellyGang







The KellyGang camped on the Murray Flats west of Wodonga (Age) (Argus)(OMA)

Wild Wright released from custody in Mansfield (Argus2/11/78)

See extract from Hansard (Argus13/12/78)

  Government   Parliament passed the Felons Apprehension Act
      Duross at Violet Town. Ward at Wangaratta, met Nicolson




Search party to find Sgt Kennedy left Mansfield.

Mr Sparrow told main search that he found Sgt Kennedy (Age)(Argus)

The KellyGang tried to cross on the punt at Bungawannah and visited William Baumgarten's family



Kennedy Mansfield


Kennedy's body arrived in Mansfield

A post mortem was held into death of Sgt Kennedy (Age)(Argus)

Felons Apprehension Act passed

  Ward   Det Ward at Mt Blowhard
  Sadleir Barnawartha Sadleir's report from Barnawatha on the hunt for the KellyGang.
  BrookeSmith Wangaratta Insp Brooke Smith arrived in Wangaratta
  Sgt Steele Benalla Sgt Steele arrived back in Benalla after a search party
2/11/78sa KellyGang   The KellyGang visited the Sherritt family including Aaron Sherritt

Nicolson saw Margery at Murray Flats, near Baumgarten's.(Argus)

    Wangaratta Insp Brooke Smith was in Wangaratta

KellyGang passed through Wangaratta
3/11/78su KellyGang Wangaratta Early in morning the KellyGang passed through Everton and under the railway bridge in Wangaratta and on to the Warby Ranges.


  Delaney boys report the citing, Laing told Benalla about it. Not followed up

Const Twomey confirmed Delaney's citing, lack of response Brooke Smith

  Faulkiner Mansfield Const Faulkiner's serach party, from Wangaratta, arrived at Mansfield

SConst Kelly's search party from Greta? arrived Mansfield

      Faulkiner & Kelly arrived Benalla
4/11/78mo   Wangaratta Alexander arrived at Wangaratta (Age)(Argus)
12.15am   Wangaratta Const Faulkiner hears about KellyGang going to Warby Ranges at Wangaratta
2am Steele   Const Twomey told Sgt Steele about the citing of the KellyGang on 3/11
5.45am Brook Smith   Const Twomey told Insp Brooke Smith about the citing on 3/11
    Consts Twomey & Hayes confirm citing with Brooke Smith
5/11/78tu Ward Oxley report of 4 men at One mile Creek Bridge on Ovens, arrived at Oxley (Age)(Argus)
      police got report that the KellyGang had visited the Sherritt's
6/11/78we Faulkiner   Faulkiner+ caught train to Beechworth, search hills towards Yackandandah


  Sadleir Everton Sadleir caught train to Everton thence to Taylor's Gap
Search in the Warby Ranges
2.30pm BrookSmith   Brook Smith and Kennedy took search parties to Yarrawonga and Lake Rowan
      Faulkiner+ search hills towards The Gap and the Warby Ranges.
8pm Standish Benalla Standish went to Benalla to talk to Nicolson(Argus7/11/78)
10.30pm Sadleir Beechworth Sadlier and SConst James came into Beechworth
Sebastopol Cavalcade
7/11/78th Nicolson   The morning of the Sebastopol cavalcade (Age)(Argus)


    police train left Benalla for Beechworth[[../people/peN_P/nicolsonPAC.html|../people/peN_P/nicolsonPAC.html]]

Nicolson & Standish, 9 const & a tracker arrived at Beechworth

4am     police party left from Beechworth railway station
8/11/78fr BrookSmith Wangaratta Brook Smith and party including Johnson returned to Wangaratta.(Argus)

Walter Lynch



KellyGang met the train at Glenrowan

Walter Lynch's commital for sending threatening letter to Monk.

9/11/-8sa Johnson WarbyRange Johnson took search party out, follow tracks of KellyGang. Brook Smith not arrive (Age)(Argus)
  Nicolson Fern Hills Nicolson was at Fern Hills.
10/11/78su   WarbyRange Police found pack horse B87 in Warby Ranges.

Johnson's party back in Warby Ranges

  Nicolson Greta Nicolson, SConst Strachan and Det Ward met possible agent at Greta
11/11/78mo KellyGang Glenrowan KellyGang were last seen crossing the railway at Glenrowan heading for Greta (Argus)
Brooke Smith


WarbyRange Insp Brooke Smith+ came back to Wangaratta from Warby Ranges, back8pm

Walter Lynch arrested; sending threatening letter to Monk.

    Last day for the KellyGang to turn themselves in under the Felons Appreh Act
12/11/78tu Nicolson WarbyRange Nicolson, Brooke Smith+ led search party from Wangaratta to Warby Ranges (Argus)
  Steele Wangaratta Sgt Steele+ led search party from Wangaratta to Warby Ranges
  Sadleir Benalla Sup Sadleir+ led search party from Benalla to Warby Ranges
  Johnson   Const Johnson left Wangaratta in disgust
13/11/78we     (Argus)
14/11/78th     (Argus)
15/11/78fr Williamson   Brickey Williamson made a statement while in Pentridge Prison against the KellyGang.

Proclarmation declaring KellyGang outlaws read in Mansfield.


  Governor   The Governor proclaimed KellyGang outlaws by the Felons Apprehension Act
16/11/78sa     (Argus)
18/11/78mo Barry   Const Barry arrived at Benalla to join the hunt (Argus)
19/11/78tu     (Argus)
21/11/78th     (Argus)
23/11/78sa     (Argus)



Wild Wright


Det Ward visit agent on Black Range, Upper King.

Wild Wright used threatening language against Const Allwood

26/11/78tu     Threat to banks noted (Argus)
27/11/78we     (Argus)
28/11/78th Ward   Det Ward recovered two horses of police shot at Stringy Bark Creek. (Argus)
29/11/78fr Nicolson   Nicolson telegraphed -threat to Seymour bank (Argus)
30/11/78sa     (Argus)

1833 - 1853