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The Argus at KellyGang 19/11/1879 (6)

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[[The Argus at KellyGang 19/11/1879 (5)|see previous]]


'''Captain Moonlite'''

M'Glede's homestead is situated about two miles and a half from Patterson's Hotel on the Turongilly road,and about four miles from the Clarendon police station the road dissects a gorge, with sloping hills on either side. The house which faces east is situated about 100 yards from the road. There is a nice fruit garden in front. Immediately at the rear stands the kitchen which is on the edge of a sloping height, descending into the bed of a blind creek. The house is built of slabs, and consists of four rooms and a kitchen. The police on approaching M Glede's saw the bushrangers mounting the police horses and preparing for a start. Senior sergeant Carroll, of the Gundagai police, was in charge of the police force. When within hailing distance he called upon the bushrangers to surrender "Moonlite" again repeated his mandate to fire, and a volley came from his companions. The country about here is thickly timbered and the police considered that it was advisable to separate. Sergeant Carroll considered it better to scatter his men with the object of hemming the bushrangers in at the back of the dwelling, in the creek. This manouvre was successful as it compelled the gang to retreat while retreating a continuous fire was kept up by both parties. Constable Barry's horse was shot through the flank, and Barry, feeling him stagger under him, immediately jumped to the ground.

Sergeant Carroll it this juncture had entered the garden with Constable Gorman, and had managed to get under the shelter of the house. Seeing this the bushrangers made a rush for the kitchen, but the youngest member of the gang, a lad not more than 19 years of age, waa shot dead by the fire opened by the police. It has not been ascertained by whom the fatal shot was fired. After the boy fell, Constable Bowen advanced to the spot. While in the act of stooping down to load his rifle he was fired upon. The ball took effect, entering the neck, and passed down the back. Constable Gorman had in the meantime got inside the residence, and, firing through the back window, shot one of the bushrangers dead. The ball entered the forehead, and the man fell immediately "Moonlite" at once rushed out and said, "We surrender." The names of the gang as given by themselves are -A G Scott, alias "Captain Moonlite", Thomas Rogan, aged 25, James Rogan (killed) aged 23, Bennett (wounded through the left arm), Williams, one other man was killed, whose name would not be disclosed by any of the bushrangers. He was about 18 years of age, and is believed to be respectably connected.

It being known that the gang was com posed of six men, and five only being ac counted for, search was immediately made for the missing man. No traces of him, however, could be found, and it was supposed that he had escaped on horseback. Three of the police went in pursuit, but without suc cess. The greater number of the police force, however, which had been drawn from various stations, encamped in the vicinity of Mr M'Glede's homestead during Monday. In the morning Mr M'Glede informed Sergeant Cassin that he had discovered that a man was concealed under his bed, and he believed him to be the missing bushranger.

[[The Argus at KellyGang 19/11/1879 (7)|continued]]

'''[[The Argus at KellyGang 19/11/1879|.1.]] , [[The Argus at KellyGang 19/11/1879 (2)|.2.]] , [[The Argus at KellyGang 19/11/1879 (3)|.3.]] , [[The Argus at KellyGang 19/11/1879 (4)|.4.]] , [[The Argus at KellyGang 19/11/1879 (5)|.5.]]''' , '''.6. , [[The Argus at KellyGang 19/11/1879 (7)|.7.]] , [[The Argus at KellyGang 19/11/1879 (8)|.8.]] ,'''

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[[The Argus at KellyGang 18/11/1879|Previous edition]] [[The Argus at KellyGang 20/11/1879|Next edition]]


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