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Recollections of a Victorian Police Officer Chapter XVI page 4

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== Recollections of a Victorian Police Officer by Sup John Sadleir ==


=== full text ===

Where there are three men such as these, of proved courage, it may seem to be invidious to single out one of them for special commendation. But it is due to C H Nicolson to say that he was in a very critical state of health before and during this expedition, and had, in fact, two bad seizures during the forty-mile tramp after leaving Kilfera that would have turned back most men. They left him, however, as determined as ever to go forward. It was gratifying to me to be told by him, several years after, that he had had no return of illness, and that the excitement of his tramp after Power seemed to have acted as a cure. The man Lloyd received the whole of the reward, the police not taking a penny of it. People such as Lloyd do not keep their secrets well, and it soon became known that he had given Power over to the police. Within a few years he was killed by falling from his horse while drunk. There have been dark hints that a friend of Power, while galloping alongside of Lloyd, pushed him out of the saddle, but no sufficient evidence of this has ever been brought out.

Mr McBean’s part in the affair was also well known throughout the district, but he was of too sturdy and independent character to be concerned. It is true that one of Jack Lloyd’s brothers, when reproved by McBean for interrupting a public sale, called out: - ‘Who received the reward for Power’s arrest?’ but he received the prompt reply from McBean as he pulled out his pocket-book: ‘I did, and here is your receipt for the money.’ This was but bluff to silence the noisy blackguard, for, as I have said, the money was paid to Jack Lloyd himself.

Among the articles found in Power’s possession when arrested was the cash, fifteen pounds in notes, which Lloyd have given him in exchange for Mr. McBean’s watch. The officers had taken the numbers of the notes beforehand, there was therefore no doubt about their identification. When Mr. McBean asked that the money should be returned to him, the Treasurer, Sir James McCulloch, refused on the ground that to do this would be ‘compounding a felony.’ The excuse was an absurdity, but the Treasurer was not to be persuaded, and Mr. McBean never saw his money again.

=== See previous page / next page ===

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