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Alexandra Times at KellyGang 28/8/1875 (3)

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([[Alexandra Times at KellyGang 28/8/1875 (2)|see previous]])



Friday, the 10th September, will be a day long remembered by the children of Gobur, as the prizes that had been long promised them by the Gobur Dramatic Society were presented by that day. At the close of the school. in, the afternoon Messrs '''Simoocks''', '''Cumming''', and '''Bunney''', members of the local Board of Advice, accompanied by Messrs '''Johnson''' and, '''DeRose''', of the Gobur Dramatic Club, met the children at the State school for the purpose of distributing the prizes. It was truly a pleasing sight to son the happy faces of the juveniles, full of hope and expectation, anxiously awaiting their respective awards. Mr Simcooks, chairman of the Board of Advice, in a very appropriate speech addressed the children on the importance of education, pointing out how necessary it was that they should avail themselves, of the great opportunities of free instruction offered to the youth of the colony.

He hoped that the prizes to be awarded would stimulate them to renewed diligence in their future studies, and he reminded them that it was for their own benefit to learn. He would not occupy their time with a long speech, as he felt assured the children were very anxious for their prizes than for a long, address. The books were then distributed and gave intense satisfaction. They were nicely got up volumes, and those entrusted with their purchase and selection deserve much credit. The prizes having been distributed, Mr Town, the teacher, called upon the children to give the gentlemen present three hearty cheers, which they did most vociferously, thus terminating a most agreeable and interesting interview.

Though some mistake another £5 3s. worth of books from the well-known, publisher, Robertson have just arrived, so it may be said of the children that-

"Knowledge to their eyes her ample pigs,

Rich with the spoils of time” –

is developing insult most satisfactorily. There are some here who suggest returning the books, but to my mind the better plan would be to present them to the Gobur school, as they would form, the nucleus at it library for the children.



(To the Editor of the Alexandra Times)

Sirs,- So Mr '''Samuel Town''', schoolmaster of Gobur, informs the public through your columns that he can get a thousand such votes as mine for it pot of beer. As Mr Town is an instructor of youth, I hope that this is not a specimen of the manner in which he cultivates the minds of the rising generation, and that he is not a fair specimen of teachers under the State school system; otherwise, instead of finding that the large sum of money we are paying for education is raising an honest, truth telling class, who will be the backbone and spinal marrow of our social system, we may discover when too late that we have been nursing hotbeds of deceit and falsehood. I believe I am warranted in stun? after a residence of eight years in the district I owe no man anything, and that I have never been seen in such a state of beer as not to know what I was doing. Whether Mr Town can say the same thing is a matter I leave to himself.

At present he is a Good Templar, and I hope he may long continue so, but it will be more becoming in him if he would avoid making any allusions to the effects of “a pot of beer." The very ungracious manner in which he has referred to Mr '''Baker''' and the other members of the amateur committee, who undertook to raise money to purchase prizes for the children attending the Gobur school is not the way to encourage similar attempts by others. Mr Town may not care about this, and unfortunately he will not be the sufferer, but through his fussy conduct the children are not likely to wet any more prizes from the efforts of the amateurs, especially if' Mr Towns has any. thing to say in the matter.-Your obedient servant,


Gobur, September 9


, [[Alexandra Times at KellyGang 28/8/1875 (2)|. 1]]. , . 2 . ,

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