
The Argus at KellyGang 12/12/1878 (9)

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[[The Argus at KellyGang 12/12/1878 (8)|see previous]]


The next appearance they made was at the National Bank at Euroa where in a most imputent manner in broad daylight they cleared out the money in the bank, and made prisoners of the 12 persons living there, without any person in the township being a bit the wiser. The bank was closed at the usual business hour, 3 o'clock, and at a quarter to 4 o'clock the two clerks, Messrs '''Booth''' and '''Bradley''', were engaged in balancing their books, while Mr [[Scott|Scott]], the manager, was in his room close by. A knock was heard at the door, and Mr Booth asked Mr Bradley, who was nearest the door, to open it, and see who it was. On the door being opened a bushman presented a cheque of Mr Macaulay's for £4, saying he wanted it cashed. He was told he was too late, and he then asked to see Mr Scott, the manager. Mr Bradley said it was too late for that day as all the cash was locked up.

Up to this time the door had only been partially opened, but the man then pushed his way in, saying, "I am Ned Kelly." He was immediately followed by another of the gang, and both drew their revolvers and forced the clerks to go into the manager's room, which was just behind the banking chamber. As soon as they got in Ned Kelly ordered Mr Scott to go and tell the females in the house what visitors they had. It should here be said that in addition to Mr Scott and the two clerks, there were also in the house Mrs Scott, her family of five children, Mrs Scott's mother, and two female servants. Mr Scott, in going to inform the women of what had taken place, had to cross the main passage which runs through the house, and he then saw a third man, who proved to Dan Kelly, keeping watch at the back door, he having also brought in the two servants from the out-buildings. As soon as they were all assembled in the passage, Ned Kelly demanded the money in the bank.

As Mr Scott kept one key of the strong chest, and Mr Bradley the other, Mr Scott replied that it was not altogether in his charge. Kelly at once turned to Mr Bradley, and putting his revolver to his head, said he would hold him responsible for the money, and he had better get it at once. After some little delay and hesitation, Mr Bradley handed him over the keys, and Kelly then proceeded to breach the strong chest. He took all the money and notes out of it, and placed it on the counter. There was about £1,500 in notes and nearly £300 in gold. Ned Kelly went outside, and brought in a small gunnybag, into which he stuffed the notes and gold. Turning to Mr Scott he said "I see you have a buggy in the yard. You had better put the horse in, as I shall have to take the whole of you a little way into the bush, and it will be more comfortable for the women than the carts we have." Mr Scott said that his groom was away, and Kelly thereupon went out and harnessed the horse and buggy himself, having previously told the females to get themselves and the children ready for a journey. Before leaving the place, however, he put the bank books back in the strongroom, and locked the place up, and also made fast the side door.

The whole party then went out into the back-yard, where the hawker's waggon was standing. Mr Bradley, Mr Booth, and three of the children were then placed in the waggon, and Dan Kelly took the charge of them. Mrs Scott and her mother, with the other two children and one of the women servants, were placed in Mr Scott's trap, which Mrs Scott was ordered to drive. The other cart, which was that taken from Casement, was driven by Ned Kelly, and in it were placed Mr Scott and one of the servants. The third man of the gang rode on horseback, and was recognised by one of the servants as a man named Stephen Hart, whom she had seen in Wangaratta. This is the man whose name was mentioned in the outlawry proclamation as a man supposed to be King.

After proceeding some distance on the road, Dan Kelly lost sight of Ned, who had been bringing up the rear, and he then arranged that Hart should ride back and see what had become of him. Dan then took his seat at the back of the waggon, in order to see that Mrs Scott closely followed him in the trap, and they then drove rapidly to the Faithful Creek Station. The women were allowed to go on to the house, and Byrne, who had been keeping sentry over the prisoners, opened the door and allowed the captives to come out. Ned Kelly arrived directly afterwards, and took the money out of his cart, and securely strapped it on the front of his saddle. About a quarter to 9 the ruffians prepared for a start, but before doing so Ned Kelly locked the captives all up with the exception of [[Macauley|Macauley]]. Kelly directed Macauley to keep the rest prisoners for three hours longer, and at the same time impressing upon him the fact that the gang would be in the vicinity, and if he let any of the prisoners go before the hour fixed he would be held responsible for it. Kelly and his mates then rode away in the direction of Violet Town. About half an hour afterwards Macauley allowed the prisoners to come out of the store to get some fresh air, but would not allow them to depart until the time fixed previous to their departure. The Kellys had, however, driven away the horses belonging to the two carts, and there was only Mr Scott's buggy left to take the whole party home. The women were therefore put in the buggy and driven back, while the men walked down the line to Euroa, and at once gave information to the authorities of what had occurred. Owing to the prompt action of Mr [[Euroa|Gorman]], the station master at Euroa, the telegraph line was repaired and communication restored with Benalla very soon afterwards. Information of the occurrence was then sent to Superintendent [[Nicolson|Nicolson]], and a special tram arrived in the course of the night, bringing down a party of troopers and a black tracker, who are now out picking up the trail of the gang.

[[The Argus at KellyGang 12/12/1878 (10)|continued]]

''',''' '''[[The Argus at KellyGang 12/12/1878|.1.]] , [[The Argus at KellyGang 12/12/1878 (3)|.2.]] , [[The Argus at KellyGang 12/12/1878 (4)|.3.]] , [[The Argus at KellyGang 12/12/1878 (5)|.4.]] , [[The Argus at KellyGang 12/12/1878 (6)|.5.]] , [[The Argus at KellyGang 12/12/1878 (7)|.6.]] , [[The Argus at KellyGang 12/12/1878 (8)|.7.]] , .8. , [[The Argus at KellyGang 12/12/1878 (10)|.9.]] ,''' ''' [[The Argus at KellyGang 12/12/1878 (2)|.10.]] ,'''  

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[[The Argus at KellyGang 11/12/1878|Previous edition]] [[The Argus at KellyGang 13/12/1878|Next edition]]


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