The Age (58)
The Age
6 /11/1880
... part of the KellyGang story
The Age continued with its report of efforts to save Ned Kelly
full text of the article
A meeting having … avowed object as expression of public opinion on the case of Edward Kelly, now lying under sentence of death, was held at the Hippodrome, Stephen Street , last evening. The interior was filled by about 2600 persons, and the street adjoining was occupied by a very large crowd, estimated at from 5000 to 6000 people. These latter, however could hear very little of the proceedings inside, and the majority of them seemed to be drawn together more out of curiosity than any motive that could be construed into an expression of sympathy with the criminal. A Mr Hamilton (known principally as phrenological lecturer) took the chair, and Mr Gaunson delivered a lengthy address, in which he stated his opinion that Kelly was not morally guilty of murder , as he was under the belief that the police went out to shoot him instead of arresting him when the murders of Lonigan, Scanlan and Kennedy took place. He believed that the case was one in which the prerogative of mercy should be exercised. He moved a motion to that effect which was seconded by the boy politician, Mr JPT Caulfield. It was carried, almost as a matter of course, as was also a succeeding one by Mr W Gaunson that the resolution should be forwarded to the Governor. The mover said that it had been arranged to wait on his Excellency that evening, but a message had been received that this course could not be adopted owing to pressure of other business. The Governor would however, receive the chairman and such other persons as might wish to be present at half past ten this morning, and the deputation will wait on him then. The meeting throughout was most orderly, though there were occasional manifestations of adverse feeling, and a great many of those present refrained from visiting when the principal motion was put. It may be mentioned that the country press, almost without exception, agree with the view expressed by the metropolitan papers condemnatory of the attempt made by persons seeking a little unwholesome notoriety to evoke spurious sympathy with a dangerous criminal. The M A Mail goes so far as to state that the proper place for the Brothers Gaunson is on the drop by the side of the condemned man.
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