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The Age continued with its report of the KellyGang



[FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT] Beechworth, 5th August

Everything has been very quiet to day, the only sympathizers here being Mrs Skillian, Tom Lloyd and a man named Williams. Kate Kelly was expected yesterday, but has not yet come. The sympathisers are, however, assembling in force at the Woolshed. After half past one o’clock this morning Detective Ward, with two mounted men, secretly left the town, and departed rapidly along the Eldorado road. Not knowing the object of the visit, I followed and found that they were at Eldorado. A brother of Hart was there, and they had some conversation with him. He disclaimed any intention of being present at the trial. At Sebastopol I visited the house of Mrs Byrne, and there saw a number of people but was advised on good authority not to go inside of the house. In the Woolshed part of the district the friends of the gang are numerous. Even the Chinamen are evidently friends; and when the name of the Kellys is mentioned they become reticent and will not answer. I believe the gang to have been in the neighbourhood of the Woolshed for some time, but I do not believe they lived in the caves in the hills, as the police are evidently anxious the public should believe. The police, I believe, were secreted in the ranges whilst the gang slept in the house of a settler near Mrs Byrne’s house. There are several caves in the neighborhood of the Woolshad, and one of these was visited recently by two girls, one of whom found a letter written by a constable to a comrade in the Richmond barracks. There were also in the cave a quantity of tins of preserved meat, which I believe were left by the police. By the train this morning Captain Standish, Superintendent Sadleir, Sub Kennedy (who was charge of the Kelly case) and Senior constable Kelly.

Preparations have been made in the courthouse for the trial to morrow, and a large number of armed constables will be in attendance. Considerable surprise was caused in the town today by the announcement that Mr Zincke would not conduct the defence of Kelly, and that Mr David Gaunson had been engaged. Kelly as I informed you yesterday, distrusted Mr Zincke in the first instance, and the feeling of distrust appeared to have been participated in by Mrs Skillian and Tom Lloyd, who had interviews with Mr Gaunson. It was at first proposed that Mr Gaunson and Mr Zincke should work together, but eventually it was determined to rely on Mr Gaunson. He, with his brother, W Gaunson arrived here to night, and were received at the station by Mr Williams, the governor of the gaol. Mr David Gaunson, with Mr Williams, then had an interview with Kelly, which lasted until a late hour. As there has not been sufficient time to enable Mr Gaunson to receive his instructions an urgent demand will be made tomorrow morning for a remand. Kelly’s wounds have closed too rapidly, and will have to be re-opened. Young Reardon, who was wounded at Glenrowan, has now recovered. It is expected that during the trial pecullar disclosures will be made. Mr CA Smyth, instructed by Mr Chomley, will conduct the case for the Crown.

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